Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Middle Time........

It is the middle of the week and the street construction on the north side of our house is done.  We aren't allowed to drive on it yet so we are parked at our neighbors. The street to our east has not been started.  That street runs the total length of the town so it make take a lot of days to complete it.

The stargazer lily is sending fragrance all over the orchard area.  It is the first time that I have seen it bloom and it is a nice flower.

This is the best that I can do with my camera. The orange moon was outstanding to see but I didn't mess with a tripod to get the shot.  We are told that the smoke from Canada fires is still there. It did change the moon color last night even as the wind was blowing from the east. I could have swiped some great shots of it from facebook but I think mine gives you the fuzzy feeling of it.

The regale lily is almost done and ready to drop one petal at a time from the stem. I have other lilies opening and I will share as they develop. 

This little guy left a mess for me in my driveway.  It is a pile of gravel that will need to be leveled and smoothed before I can drive the car into the drive. I think the new crowned road will be dumping water into the yard now and I will have a creek running parallel to the road.  It is lower about three feet in and the gravel that I level will make a great dam for it.

I need to get this posted as I am about to take photos of it in bloom.  All my hardy geraniums are putting out buds now and soon will be in bloom.  The foliage of those indoor winter plants are now looking like greenhouse plants with natural sunshine light and many rains to water them.

We had to make cherry jelly in two different sessions.  In the morning we made a batch giving us a chance to get the process down.  We returned to the store for the pectin needed for the next two batches. After supper we did the last two batches and now we are done.  We had the juicing done ahead of time so it went faster to just pour in the juice and sugar and make jelly.  We ended up using larger pint sized jars as that is what we had instead of the cute little jelly jars.  We made 12 pints and 3 half pints. That will be it for our jelly tradition this summer as the raspberries are not going to have a big enough harvest for jelly.  I will take a photo of the jars but I didn't get that done as I was busy making jelly.

The field lilies were putting out one bloom a day per stem.  Then all of a sudden the dam bursts and they are blooming multiples on stems.  I have a new bed of field lilies this year as the wild roses died down and these lilies are able to bloom this year.  The are blooming later than this garden area.

Another busy day for me but I will just chug along marking things off the list as  I go.  It is an imaginary list but it is the chore list.  We escaped getting a rain this morning so I can work on drive and do some mowing.  I hear we will have a very pleasant day today with it not being very hot.  It will be good to have a day like that.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. That is so frustrating that the road project will be directing water into your yard! I sure do love seeing your pretty lilies. I can imagine your orchard area smells wonderful. Glad you finished up the jam making; hard work but oh, so tasty!

    We don't have plans for the holiday. I bought groceries yesterday and splurged and bought an apple pie from the grocery bakery. It was marked APPLE, but it was actually peach! lol

  2. Your Lilies are beautiful! So you are going to live along a river...don't that beat all. Hope they fix the pile at the end of your driveway...certainly they will. Cooler here today I think the haze from the fires makes it cooler since the sun cannot shine through. I mowed today and now it is time for a nap!:)
