Thursday, July 2, 2015

Thursday's Things.......

Another daylily that has just started to bloom is this pastel yellow one.  I had bought it for my parents and when we closed the house down I brought it back with me. It is a smaller flower than the hybrid lilies.  It being smaller means it keeps it shape better than the hybrid ones which seem a lot more fragile and wither up more quickly.  I don't know if I caused that camera to do the bluish tint on this shot but I didn't think that I had. It is very colorful to see.

The apples are agin on the roof of the garden shed.  I suppose I should trim that limb but maybe it is a good thing.  I can pick them from the roof and would not be able to with the ladder.  The two factors that are helping out with this tree are my friends bees and all the rains.  The apples look really good this year.  Apple pie will be in order along with some fried apples. Maybe some applesauce if I can get motivated to do it.

One of the jars of cherry jelly looks like this.  Ball has bought out a company and we now use pectin from their company.  It was the only brand we could buy and I am holding back recommendations of the product.

The directions say that it may take a week for the jelly to really firm up and to put them in the refrigerator until they do.  The certo product always worked for us right away and was jelled by the next day with out chilling it.

It will be very frustrating if those jars do not jell.  We had a little problem with me filling the jars to the right amount so I had to put leftover amounts in glass dishes.  The two dishes of jelly that I had in the refrigerator did set up and we had toast and jelly for breakfast.  The taste of the jelly is great.

I do have one tomato on the vine.  My tomato plants are looking really great and it is about time to put in the steel fencing posts to hold up the cages.  It works good to have a post in there and I can sometimes tie a free falling branch up to the post.  I have many blooms and I am sure the tomatoes will start to set. As I look at this photo again I see the other end of the stem is forming one too.  My plants that I started from seed have done very well.  I bought a roma plant at Wally Mart and my plants have caught up with that already.

The stargazer is really showing off with all the multiple blooms.  My  other whiter stargazer has big buds that are ready to start opening.  Maybe today they will start to open.

I have lots of things to do today but a new job has been added to my list today.  While watching the road crew working near my yard, I watched a machine drive on top of my corner garden. They are removing the first two squares of sidewalk to the street and are going to replace the space with a newer section that will ramp up to that tall asphalt road.  I am not mad as much as I am disappointed. A little communication from the city would have given me time to pull up all those plants and move them.  It is consistent with the small town mentality.  The reason they had to drive on the garden is they didn't get it removed before the new road put down. The couldn't drive on the new road so they had to come along side of it.  They had no choice to come in on it as they would rip up my yard if the drove on the yard. 

I had a daylily with dozens of buds on it ready to bloom and that is the location of the large white iris.  I have three hostas there too and all of it can be dug and replanted.  I will add it all to my new garden area.  I have a wheel barrow full of rain to transfer to the tomatoes and I will do that pretty quickly.I then can dig and load up my planting material and go find new places for it.  I like doing that kind of thing anyway but usually I like doing it on my one terms.

We are cold today and it will not warm up so much.  I will not wear a coat but I might have a couple of layers to wear.  Thanks you for checking in on me today. 


  1. I am sorry about your corner garden plants.
    I enjoyed today's flowers. That daylily from your parents' home sure is pretty.
    Those apples will be delicious. Your jelly sounds so good on toast.
    Don't work too hard today.

  2. Cold! in July that is good tho since you have so much work to do in the yard. Your lilies are beautiful. Gee, wish we had apples and cherries in our yard. Some hard work but good eating for you.

  3. Well the bums anyway. I would complain, they caused you a whole bunch of work and probably ruined some plants too. Send the city a bill. Don't let that Des Moines Company get away with it. :) Hope your jelly turns out!
