Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Muggy, Moist, Middle of the Rains and Week........

The rains are over for now.  We had two days of continue storms coming through our area.  The coneflowers, phlox and sunflowers bow down as a result of the beating rains. I will stake the sunflowers and the rest is on its own.

It rained so much that my now famous ditch acted like a creek.  I remember seeing all those ripples in the creek beds and the patterns are fun to see.  A city guy was out in his truck, flashing a light at it , seeing that water does not flow up hill.

 We had over 2 inches of rain last night but also had two rains before that both morning and afternoon.  I don't really know the total of the yesterdays one day rain. Some places south of us got over 6 inches or more of rain. We did get rain on Monday too.  The ditch will eventually fill in with silt and the water will eventually flow down the hill.  As you can see my Lake of Mistakes will be there for the rest of this season.  The edge of the road dirt will eventually be washed down into that ditch also as good Iowa dirt does erode easily.

Our skies are clear today and the sun is shining.  A jet stream shows up against that blue sky.  The Air Force flies over us daily from the SAC Air Force base south of Omaha. Usually they fly in threes but there was just one lone jet this morning.

 I did what I said that I would do.  The small single start of spider plant that I bought a year ago was just not growing.  As you can see with it in its new bright yellow green pot. I was a leftover one that I found from a sale item. I split thewhole plant up into many little ones.  I can tell already that I am going to get normal growth now. It apparently was a bundle of the plant and they just stuck it in the small pot for sale all crowded together. I usually pull new plant out of their medium and put them into real Iowa dirt. I just never got to it.

We have been nursing our little Button dog back to better health.  Yesterday he took a fall while trying to get up on the couch. We didn't see it but he sure let us know that we couldn't pick him up anymore.  He has done this a couple of times before and we can't ever tell what he hurt.  I think he messes up a joint in one leg and yet he acted like he had hurt his rib cage.  He isn't able to see well any more so he could have done whatever.  This morning he jumped down off the couch by himself and was trotting around behind me to go outside.  He still is touchy and decides to complain that we might pick him up the wrong way.  He is resting on his favorite pillow and he has some cooked meat to eat.  He looks and acts better now. He should be back to normal self by tomorrow.  We are feeling better this morning too about the situation.  He likes to scare us every once in a while.

I am moving slow today.  We did make a trip for my wife's friend yesterday and we were so glad we could help her out.  Groceries are hard to buy and then take home on a bus.  With it being rainy all day yesterday I didn't do much.  I actually read in a book.  I like to read but it doesn't fit in my "to do" list. You can check on my Photo a Day blog to see what I am reading.  Thank you for stopping by today here in soggy Iowa.


  1. I sure hope little Button will feel better, they try to tell us what's wrong. Your flowers still look good , all of my tall flowers
    are beat down from wind and rain.

  2. First of all, I am so sorry little Button fell. I am thankful she is some better today. I pray that by tomorrow, she will be much better.
    Of course, we predicted what would happen with the ditch. Funny that the guy creeped along in his truck with lights flashing to confirm that yes, they created a mess!!!
    We had a very brief rain shower yesterday. Today, it is still so hot/muggy.

    I know your wife's friend appreciated help with the groceries. It is a blessing to have a car to do such tasks and I'm sure she appreciates your thoughtfulness.

  3. Wow, that's a lot of rain and that filled up ditch. Torrential rains make you really take note what is stable and what is not. Over 90 here now, but a front is coming (you probably already got it) and should cool us down a bit. All this rain for both of us, can the mosquitos be far behind? Take care.

  4. Aww...I'm glad Button dog is doing better. They're our babies and life is not as sweet without them. Cherish

  5. Ooh, how I envy your rain!

    Hope that Button is feeling better!

  6. Poor Button, it sucks to get old. I hope he recovers from his couch incident!
    I laughed at your water not running have quite a creek there in your yard:)
