Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Tuesday's Tribble.......

The old wagon wheels lean against my ugly pile of tires.  Either it has been too hot to deal with the tires or it has been raining.  The tarp keeps people from seeing a pile of tires but I don't like the look of any of it.

I am now one of the crowd so to speak with my bicycle out in the open as a decoration.  The bike trail that travels over a 13 story old train bridge has a trail head in our town. The thing is to decorate you yard with a bike. 

The rose is beaten up from the last heavy rain.  I had two great shots of it on its first blooming and I don't think I shared it on my Creative Zone.  This is the second bloom of this round and if I trim the spent blooms off it will just do it again.

Here is the shot I took a week ago of the first blooming.  The past two rains have really messed up the flowers in the garden.  I am grateful to get rain and I am hoping the hot weather that now follows will straight things back straight again. I noticed zinnias and sunflowers bowing to the ground and a lot of flower petals are stripped away with the beating of the rain.  Some people are begging for rain so I am not complaining, just noticing the damage.

When is the question?????????  Others are picking but I am not.  I have to go stake up a cherry tomato some time today as I noticed last night it was all laying on the ground.  I need to get string out and really tie it up.

It is time to start making cobbler again.  The problem is to decide what to put with it.  We usually buy some strawberries and put in with it but chopped up apple taste good with it too. When I pull this it will give it time to probably have one more growth spurt.

There are no open blooms at this point but soon I will know what color it will be.  The mandevilla loves our high humidity and frequent rains. I am sure it thinks it is back in the greenhouse or the tropical jungle.  The weather person says we just are not going to like anything about today.  She did promise that tomorrow will be great so we are to ignore today. 

A threatening rain storm is going on right now but I think it is going to roll north around us.  We have to take a friend to go buy groceries and buy her some lunch.  It won't take the whole day so we will be home for the afternoon.  I am hoping things with the weather will even out a little for you hot states.  We will have plenty of water to send down the Mississippi to help out Louisiana.  I trust everyone is well.  Thanks for checking in today.

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