Monday, July 13, 2015


The hot sun and heavy humidity doesn't stop the daisies.  I remember hot and humid summers but we haven't had any of those days for a while.  It really is unbearable to be outside.  I walked Barney last night when it was 77 degrees F.  Barney did not like it and asked to come back in quickly.  He shorten the walk time and headed to the backyard gate rather than heading down the street.

These pale pink phlox have been in bloom for a few weeks.  I don't remember having two different varieties but they must have spread by seed and this one is genetically an earlier bloomer than the rest of my phlox.

My other phlox has grown so tall that I was whining about the thought that it wasn't going to bloom.

About three days ago I saw evidence that my very tall phlox will be blooming.  The buds are forming on my two different patches of these flowers.  It is always a great to see them blooming and to think I went for years without them and couldn't get a start of them to stay alive.

I have mentioned that the bee balm has become a weed in its growing nature and I guess too the phlox is doing the same. It seems that the phlox is even crowding out my ditch lilies which I thought would never happen.

Another frame job is finished.  I have two frames leaning against the crows print that will have cowboy posters mounted in them. 

Another frame job completed a few weeks ago is the wedding composite.  The wedding took place in Maryland.  The bride wasn't too excited about the photos nor getting them framed but two years later her mother in law brought them in and they are now frames. The wedding colors were violet and orange in case you were wondering.

This set of tiles were framed weeks ago but the people who wanted a quick job aren't rushing in to pick them up.  These were included in the work that I did with the cross stitched work that I had framed also earlier.
I will finish with this limestone rock that was out in the garden area next to the road.  The kitchen on my house doesn't have a basement under it but it has a foundation of this material.  I don't know if they mined this in Iowa back in the 1900's but when traveling through Missouri you see the deposits of it revealed from the making of the highways.  It is heavy stuff and I assume was easier to attain than brick at that time.  In Iowa some local towns made their own brick from clay deposits.  A major brick making factory still is in operation at Adel, Iowa.  I know from history that brick was made along the two rivers on each side of Iowa.  I know also there had been a brick and tile factory south of where my wife was raised near Grimes, Iowa. 

The air was never shut down last night and we will leave it on all day.  The heat was almost too much for our upstairs air to work.  We know the humidity being removed from the air is a lot of the battle and we do have that.  I guess that tomorrow will be a cooler day by 8 degrees or so.  Thank you for stopping by today.


  1. You do such a nice job framing! Your Phlox look great, all the rain made them tall! :)

  2. I was hoping you would share the completed framing jobs. Wonderful job you have done. Your flower pics are so nice. I can't believe anything could crowd out ditch lilies! (except maybe MINT!)
    Today was one of our hottest days. I did not even have to warn John not to go outdoors!!!

  3. The Humidity hit Iowa City about noon-ish today. BAM! Like a sauna. It makes it difficult to breath! Hopefully things will blow over in a day or two. As long as the sun stays behind the clouds, it is tolerable.
