Sunday, July 12, 2015

Sunday's Steamy Day.......

The oxalis wintered through quite well but its stem all leaned over in one direction the whole time. It never shot up a single new stem that stood up correctly.  I put this out under the open skies on the patio and it did heal itself.  The pot has good drainage so all the rain just flows right thorugh and the hot sunshine makes it happy. While watering plants inside yesterday I realize I had another one like this that needs to be moved outside.

The moss rose is liking the weather also.  It is doing well in the old pan but the pan doesn't have a hole in it for drainage.  I know the pan isn't worth anything but I don't want to intentionally damage an antique. I lean it to its side to drain off the excess if we get more than four inches of rain.  Our last rain was only two inches.

I planted my sedum in my old clay tile from the farm. I also planted some of it in the ground hoping either or both will survive the winter.

All the iris that surrounds this are the ones I moved to rescue them from the iris bore. I will have a lot of blooms next spring.

Even though the weather has been great for spring, it has taken a long time for the hardy geraniums to bud and bloom.  I think that the fertilizer gets to be added to the sprinkling can and everyone gets fed.  Maybe I can get some on the tomatoes too. This set of buds were already on this one before I took it back outside for spring.

The new is now attached to the Works Project sidewalk of the past.  The Spanish speaking man who troweled it to its finish wanted to do a whole driveway for me. He was a nice man and his job was to stay behind and finish off the sections while the rest of the crew went on pouring concrete.

It is Sunday and our day is going to look good.  The other side of the coin is that the humidity and heat are going to be high and cause human bodies great discomfort. Cooling down to 71 degrees last night means we will warm up fast.  I hope all of you have a great day today and thanks for stopping in to visit my blog.


  1. Hello! The walkway looks good. I love the oxalis. The sedum should do well and I love the moss ross too. Seeing your little garden gnome...we saw one for sale at a bargain store last week that was wearing Univ of Mi clothes!!! I hope you both have a lovely day.

  2. The sidewalk looks good! Seems like after so many days of a mess it should start to look like something! Yes give your Geraniums some fertilizer, I fed my Marigolds the other day and then a squirrel came by and shredded my blooms...the buggers:(

  3. I know you are glad to get the sidewalk in, now to clean up and plant next to it. LOL
    All is looking well cared for , hope you and yours have a peaceful Sunday. Have you talked to AJ. We talk to our distant family on Sunday to be told what our great grandson has accomplished for the week. Always lots of laugh's.

  4. Thanks for your comment on my desk. John and I found two of these desks on closeout a few years back. They are solid oak and had we known we would move often, we would have thought twice!!! They are SO heavy!
    We have a young man missionary coming this week to build a cabinet in our living room. He is in his 20's and extremely talented at woodworking. I'll share some pics as the project moves along.
