Sunday, July 5, 2015

Sunshine and Heat........

Field lilies  photograph crazy with the automatic camera.  The bright sun changes colors and so does the shade.

Monarda, bee balm, is starting to show off all its color. There is a bee in the flowers as I took the shot but he is in the back where I could not walk. This is the tallest that I have ever seen this plant.  I have phlox that are also exceeding their normal height.  Lots of foliage and lots of height causes it hard to walk on any of my paths.

I found another garden ornament hiding in the basement.  He was glad to come out side but he doesn't look like he trusts the guy next to him.  The wheat-like straw in front of the turtle are stems that grew from the winters birdseed that fell on the ground.

Sometimes flowers look so similar that I think it is just the same as the one on the other side of the yard.  It is not.  I don't remember this blooming last year but I did take a shot of the other kind to show you for compasison. This daylily above has a star shape of three triangles of petals with smaller ones in between.

There is such a great difference in this flower as the petals all curve back like a tiger lily and the petals are exactly the same size. More yellow inside the trumpet but the base colors are the same.

A busy Sunday ahead for us as we travel to southern Iowa for a 50th anniversary for my oldest brother and his wife.  We are sort of helping with it but once the set up is done the younger people can take over. I haven't shared with that family that our kids from Chicago are coming today.

They, brother and wife, never asked about them so I never told them.  I think the surprise element will be great with AJ running into the room. The event lasst for 2 hours and we will be there early.  We will spend time with Andy and Patricia on Monday as everyone will be tired after today.  We will be eating breakfast with our grandson in the morning and that is always fun.

It is going to be a hot one for us today and that will cause rain storms in on Monday. I hope all will have a good day today.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Wishing you all a lovely day together. I can't wait so see new photos of AJ!

    Love seeing your plants and outdoor décor. Those daylilies are very pretty. The hosta is looking so good too.

  2. I know you will have a wonderful time.
    looking forward to new photo's of grandson.

  3. Beautiful daylilies! Hope you have a good time at the anniversary.

  4. Hope you all had a great time at the party! Your Daylilies are beautiful! I have noticed that all the wildflowers are taller this year too, the rain must have made it in time for optimum growth, heard on the news this morning that you are getting rain today:)
