Saturday, July 4, 2015

4th and more...........

My neighbors have hollyhocks.  They are all so wonderful to see.  I don't understand why that mine have all died out.  I do have a few stray ones that won't bloom this year but my majority of plants are just gone.  I guess I live on the wrong side of the street.

On my side of the street I do have a wonderful birch tree.  It is the only one in the entire town.  I had a teacher friend who imitated this planting with the shorter clump birch but no one has a tree. It has to be 35 years old or more now. I gave it a trim yesterday as the tree tends to have its branches hang low and hit me in the face.  I can see by its age that I am going to have to start trimming it up higher and it will be looking very tall with more trunk showing.

The white bark looks great all year round.  I know it is becoming a large tree when I look up and see how thick it has become way up at the top.  Did you know that asprin is made from bark of the birch tree? The native American Indian used the bark fro years as a medicine.

This is the very last bloom of the one yellow Asiantic lily group.  I have many more to yet bloom.  This was the very first to bloom.  I have a large stand of another color that I need to prop up as they are starting to lay down on the ground from the weight of the buds on it.

I bought this for my parents and I now have it in my gardens.  It is planted in to different places and they both started to bloom at exactly the same time.  It is a smaller daylily but very striking in color.

I have saved two of the stems from the smashed daylily.  I doubt they bloom but it doesn't hurt to try.  I will need to research my blog to see what color that it is from last years blooms.  For now I will wait and see.


Here is an oldie but goodie for me to share today.  It was 50 years ago in late June that my oldest brother Ron married Julie.  There is a anniversary party in Murray, Iowa on Sunday.  From the looks of things it seems to be turning into a major family reunion. The couple moved to Mesa, Arizona 50 years ago but are choosing to celebrate the day with friends and family from their old tromping grounds. Julie is from Osceola, a neighboring town to Murray. He father is still living and will be able to attend. I will share more about their kids on another post.

My second oldest brother next to the groom, is Rex, who lives in Yorba Linda, California.  I am the next guy standing tall for being 15 years old.  My brother Dwight, 18 in the photo, passed away in 2008. The bridesmaids are all friends and a sister of the bride and the guys in suits are all cousins from all sides.  The little girl is lives near Lorimor, Iowa and is a cousin on my mom's side.  The best part of the day tomorrow is AJ our grandson and his parents will be attending.

I did a little ranting on my Photo a Day blog while sharing this photo.  I will be calm on this posting and just wish everyone a great holiday weekend.  I wish you all to have a great 4th......and thanks for stopping by today. Enjoy all the dogs, burgers, sweetcorn, and pie everyone !!!!


  1. I hope you have a wonderful time at the get together tomorrow. I know it will be great fun to see AJ, especially. Our neighbor has hollyhocks that I admire from a distance. Love that daylily color. You two have a nice day.

  2. Your lilies have been so pretty this year.
    Great wedding photo of the past.

  3. Have fun with AJ!! That is a great old wedding photo! What color were the dresses? I will guess blue! You have a good time tomorrow!

    Your Day Lilies are lovely as is that Birch! With Birch Borer you are lucky it survived!

    I make those glass flowers with stuff from garage sales. I don't drill holes...instead I used a marine adhesive and so far so good! They are fun to make!
    Happy 4th now I will go read your rant! :)

  4. Larry,
    Thanks for jogging my memory, I was trying to think of a tall line flower for a new planting area and had totally forgotten about Hollyhocks. They make such a dramatic statement done in mass, well, I think anyway (lol). Hoping your 4th was a wonderful one. – G

  5. Belated holiday wishes, Larry. Nice to see your memory jogging photo as well. Hooe that everyine had a great time!
    Also, too bad about the seemingly poor planning and notice for the walkway work. Glad you rescued some bulbs.
