Wednesday, July 15, 2015


A volunteer sunflower plant that grew up next to my basement stairs.  This is a very small bloom from a plant that grew inbetween some wood and poked out, looking like a weed.  It must be genetically changed from the original plant.  I shared a larger bud a few days back on my Photo s Day blog and it will be a larger bloom than this.

The hydrangea turns green as it dies down from its bright white bloom.  Some bloom this color when you purchase them but this one is the old traditional foundation plant from the past.

These are the pears lined up and down on just one of my branches.  If these guys make it to the end I will have a ton of fruit to work with it as every branch is covered with the same amount of fruit.  I didn't see the bees out there but they must have done a great job pollinating those blooms.  I have shared earlier that my apple tree looks loaded with apples.

We are off to Des Moines this morning taking my wife's friend to the hospital.  Her therapy sessions take five or more  hours so we will go back and pick her up later.  It isn't suppose to be so hot today but when it is warm in Iowa the humidity is also unpleasant.  I have great corn growth pictures to share and also a ditch update.  They will come in the near future.   I will be blogging many more things than just flowers.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Very nice flower photos today. I believe the last time you took the friend for chemo, the rain was very heavy. Praying for the trip to go safely today and may the Lord bless her.

  2. My daughter's apple tree is starting to get some nice sized apples on it. What do you do with yours? I'm thinking pie..but I always think pie...LOL! Have a good one!

  3. Look at those pears it must have been just right weather for pollination! :)

  4. Neat! We get quite a few sunflowers volunteers mainly, methinks, to the birds scattering the seeds...:)

  5. Hoping your trips are good ones today.
