Friday, August 14, 2015

Final Finish.......Friday

The blooms are coming slowly but they are coming.  I don't think this small one will every get any large.  We will have to watch and see.

All of my zinnia photos are from almost the same view each time.  The problem for me is that the tomato patch is direct north of the zinnias and I have no ability to stand on the other side of the patch.  I am hoping to get out this morning and start picking more red ones.  I tried to last evening and the bugs were bad.  I think if I can get out there in the hot sun I will be more comfortable.

The neighbors maple tree has a great color this time of the year.  It made a great background for my apple branch.

The Stella is putting out a few flowers again.  It bloomed out a lot earlier and I think it is regrouping ready to put up some more buds. I have seen this plant at mall areas  that they have planted everywhere and those plants are responding to the hot and dry weather also.

No big plans for today.  We have some loose ends things to get done and the rest of the day is not organized.  Everyone is feeling better in the house and we are all ready for a very hot day.  I hope all is well with everyone out there.  Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Apples look so pretty, the bad squirrels got the last of our tomato's.
    They didn't eat them just messed them up by biting so we could not save them.

  2. Glad to hear you guys are better today. I know you'll enjoy the tomatoes! Very pretty flower photos, especially the zinnia. From my window I can see our tiny Vitex bush has 2 blooms on it. Looking forward to next year when it grows big and creates a screen between us and the neighbor!

  3. Your flowers, apples and tomatoes look like they are coming along nicely. I have been craving a BLT and still can't find any fresh tomatoes anywhere! We are under a burn ban and my grass is so crispy I am afraid just walking on it will create a spark.
