Thursday, August 13, 2015

Forgotten Title......

A creative shot of a monarch, trying to avoid a tomato plant to get to the coneflower.  The flowers come up in my tomato garden area and I just let them coexist.  It is bothering the butterfly a little but it seems to be determine.

I did get some good shots of the hungry monarch.  I did see this one fly next to the zinnias but it didn't land.  I suppose the flowers put out better amounts of nectar once they have been in bloom for a while. Normally the butterflies are all over the zinnia blooms.

The spent daylily stems do create a nice pattern of line in the garden as they are all done blooming now.

A new color of zinnia for me this year.  It is slow coming to get the buds to bloom but it looks like the patch is going to be showing off a lot more blooms.  With only about a dozen plants I will be thankful to see as many as I can.

I don't like seeing food wasted.  I will find sources in which I can share.  There are a few insect spots on them but as a whole the apples are pretty clean.  This would have been a good year to have an orchard sales stand.  Some of my lower branches have wood boards propping them up keeping them from falling or breaking off from the tree.  I will prune back those exact branches this fall.

I have whined about the street construction that isn't getting done and I forgot to mention another thing that is happening.  The local phone company is now laying fiber optic cable in town.  The started in our area yesterday.  Everyone is going satellite but the company they can give the local line more speed so we won't leave them.  In then years I do think it will be outdated and not used by anyone as technology will make those lines unnecessary.  The are having to cut through some of the new street sections with saws and will replace those spots with concrete patches.  I heard a machine drive by today but I don't think it is dirt workers to finish the street edges.

I am feeling good but I seem to lack ambition today.  I need to get some but I am not so sure that I really want any.  If I can get a few things going and they are fun to do, that would be great.  I am looking for fun and not work today.

Barney is going into his very dry skin mode this summer and he is getting brushed often and for long periods of time.  His skin is allergic to a few things out there and I am trying to avoid serious problems with this.  We didn't have to go through that last summer and I was hoping we wouldn't have to face it this year.  I watched him on Tuesday while I was mowing that he was trying to dig up some soil to make a dirt roll area.  We don't want that and I hope I can get it stopped soon.  I end up having to hose down his chest area to wash away things and see if I can get it to not flare up more.  I may try doing it every other day to see if it will help.

Sun shiny day and it will get hot today.  State Fair starts today and it does get warm for that.  I hope all are doing well.  Thank you for stopping by today.


  1. I think the Monarch photos are so pretty and colorful. Sorry to hear about Barney's skin problems starting up again. Do you remember when I first started blogging and our neighbor had the sibling Golden Retrievers that we just loved? The neighbor shared photos of his newest dogs with us yesterday...sibling Irish Cream golden retrievers. I've never seen "white" ones and they are really cute.
    That is very poor planning for them to already be cutting into the new pavement...I know you are really frustrated that the work just never seems to stop!
    Pretty photos of the zinnia and moss rose today. Hope Della's cough is better. You two take care and have a good evening.

  2. Hi Larry, Your Zinnias look pretty good! Sending warmer weather your way so take another couple days off! We have Fiber Optic Cable through our telephone company, the rates are better than anyplace around and the service is great. :)
