Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Middle of the Week.......

When I cut off new starts of all of my hardy geraniums back in spring I really didn't know what to expect.  Most all of them are alive and some of them are now blooming.  I know greenhouses can make this process go faster but I did pull it off.  I don't think that I lost a single one of those starts.  I am in the process of reevaluating the bringing in of all those hardy geraniums in the fall.  I guess they take up so much space.  Maybe I can get a plan going where I can bring in one or two of each variety as a smaller plant and let the frost erase the rest of the big ones.  I guess I could take more starts off of the big plants and bring them in as small stems.  I will eventually share as to what I will do.

The white phlox is growing only in one location.  It is starting to fade now and I am thinking I would like to move a small section of this to another area in the gardens.

I had my shears with me this morning and I did a trimming of phlox away from one of my paths so I can walk through it to get to the fish pond.  I have one more path to work on getting rid of bee balm and phlox that took over the path.  When it was early morning and dew was on everything I had to walk on the one path with my arms up into the air to keep from getting wet.

The yucca's this year were yucky.  I didn't get a single bloom.  Weather and past summers mess with each plant in a different way.  I bet we were too cool and wet for the yucca's to bloom.  I can always look across the street to see my neighbor's plants blooming.  Theirs are planted on the south side of the house where it is hotter in the sun and drier too. I did move one section of this to my south side of the house and I will see how it does.

I am excited thinking of the idea of setting up a 20 gallon tank this year.  I will bring the two large goldfish inside and also the five smaller ones too.  Those feeder fish have grown large while being outside.  I think real mosquito larvae and greens make them grow up fast.  They also like the sunlight.

I gave away my very large tank this summer and also gave a science teacher a tank for his grandkids.  I still have this one last tank in my basement and it is a good size for fish.  I won't have to buy fish and I think I have all the equipment that I need to run it.  Nothing is more soothing than to watch fish in a tank when the weather is high winds with a snowstorm and the temps are in the below zero location. We will have winter again in spite of those who think we are getting warmer. 

While I was out picking tomatoes and apples yesterday I notice my one morning glory vine had five or six blooms on it.  I didn't make back to take shots as I was also mowing grass at the same time.  I was breaking from mowing and picked things during the time.   I am taking apples to the housing place where my wife's friend lives.  If they are a hit and people take them I will take in larger amounts.   I know the apartment where she lives has people who share food with each other all the time.  Being cooking apples they will have to be told to fry them in butter in a skillet or make pie.

We will be busy today with my wife's friend Shari as it is a chemotherapy day.  I just found out from my wife that she is actually getting three different kinds of chemicals in the treatment and that is why it takes so long for her session. In the most part it takes five to six hours from start to finish.  I am glad we are able to take her and that does give her a little bit more courage and less worry as she goes through this process.

It is Wednesday and we are half way through the week. I already get to go to school to help out a guy who has to miss the open house on Friday evening.  I am glad I can do it and hand out material to parents as they walk through the building.  I do have my name in for subbing this year again.  I am going to try to slow it down and be far more selective in what I do.   I did get a call to come take a permanent associate job earlier in the week but I said "thanks but no thanks."  

I hope all are well and the weather is being good for you all.  Thank you for stopping by today.


  1. Your flowers are so pretty and I love the white phlox.
    I am glad it is getting cooler but I guess winter want be a problem
    for us after we move.
    Take care today!

  2. Your Morning Glories are so fun to see! About your Geraniums. Some people have found that taking them out of their pots, shaking off most of the dirt and putting the plant in a paper bag in a cool basement will store them for replanting in the spring. I have not tried it. It might be worth a shot:)

  3. Hi Larry Here is a link for you to check out.

  4. Feel free to enjoy my yuccas any time! I certainly enjoy looking across the street to your beautiful yard. My mom used to make applesauce a lot from her apples, so much better than any you can buy and so easy to make! She always made a lot and froze it.

  5. Kelli, if mom is around tell her to help herself. There so many on the ground and many still on the trees.
