Thursday, August 27, 2015

Warming in the Sun........

The angel sits through the changing temps without complaining.  The hostas are turning to a lighter color. I am still waiting for the surprise lilies to pop up.  My neighbors bloomed a couple of weeks ago and I don't understand why mine have not bloomed.

The small rose bush that I bought in February is on its second round of blooming while being planted outside.  I have been trying to keep it watered as it is in a dry area that doesn't get so much water when it rains. I bet I bring this in for the winter if I remember to get it dug.  I know of a person who had them winter over but i am not so sure about that happening.  It was a cheap plant in a pot but I don't like plants freezing out if I can prevent it.

With lemons you make lemonade.  This wild vine gives me the beauty of a plant that I could have tried to plant but didn't.  Every year I cut it back before it grows this big but this summer I just let it grow.  It is a nice looking vine and it does grow wild here and there around the house. The planted morning glory struggles on the other side of the porch and has yet to bloom but this one really is doing well.

It still does not look like a path but it is.  I removed phlox along the sidewalk and I can now walk through there. I have some more trimming to do at the entrance but I can see the dogs both using the path now again. I remember when I had a hard time to get phlox started and now it is becoming too invasive.  I have one more path to clear by cutting back bee balm. It is too cold to go out there this early in the morning but maybe I can get that done today.

I grabbed a watering container and filled it with water.  I ended up with a nice bouquet of phlox from the ones that I trimmed out of the area.

The mandevilla sitting on the table continues to bloom but I don't see new buds forming.  I  may have to bring it inside soon as there was a low temp restriction on the tag.  We keep having cold nights.

I don't share the dianthus very often as they don't like hot weather.  Once we have a couple of hot days the blooms are gone and I have to wait for them to rebloom.

Today I would share pictures of people working on my sidewalk area (finally) but they are at work right now. It is amazing how all work must be done with machinery and the use of a spade or shovel is rarely done.  I suspect that when everyone is gone I will go out and fix it.  At least there is now no large areas for people to step into and break bones. I watched a neighbor go out yesterday and fix an area around his mailbox and a town worker stopped to check out what was going on. I am still wondering who will address the weeds and junk that is still in the ditches.  In a couple of years that whole ditch will be eroded to be a much flatter area for me to go into but not right now with its steep sides.

My only blooming morning glory is the pink one and I will try not to share too many of them.  It will be nice to see the colors of the other vines that have buds. They will probably be pink too even though the seed was a mixed colors packet.

We are both tired from yesterdays happening.  We know that my wife's friend is a whole lot more exhausted than us but we do have a long day getting her there to the hospital and back home.  The waiting is long.  We  also had to deal with a rescue at Shari's apartment.  A lady arriving back on a bus fell and really needed help.  We got through that and I think the woman is ok but housing places like this don't employ robust people to be caretakers of the place.  It was a difficult fall and she had to be lifted out of a area behind the wheel chair lift. The driver and myself plus an angel helped us lift her up and out of there.  I didn't think it was going to happen. It was good to be at the right place at the right time but it is challenging to make such quick decisions. We left with her being wheel into the building in a wheel chair.

No real plans for the day but to just hang around home. I have small things that I need to do and of course I have big things I really should be doing.  Anyway, I will take the day as it comes to me.  I hope everyone's weather is straightening out a little.  I hear we have hot weather coming back at us soon.  Rain may be falling this afternoon and evening.  Thank you for stopping by today.


  1. Where we are going after the house sells , all older(all that live there are old) people that fall
    they call fire dept. they have what they call first responders that check them out if need be they take them to hospital. When they come you know it because they blast their sirens and they are loud. We can't grow much older here because our neighborhood are young working family's that don't have time to check or help older people. We have no children here so we will be closer to two of our girls.

  2. You are making progress through the tall plants...I bet Button was almost lost! Yes warm is coming but we have a haze from the forest fires so that is keeping temperatures down.

  3. We saw surprise lilies blooming today. I've never had phlox to grow well but I have had to cut back bee balm before. I really do love your Dianthus. That is so frightening about the lady falling off the bus. I do hope each of you are feeling better today.
    We made a quick stop by the farmer's market to buy the last peaches of the season. I also bought sweet potatoes to bake. (for me - John does not eat them!)
    Hope you and Della rest well tonight.
    Looking forward to your sidewalk photos later.

  4. Sounds like you're a Good Samaritan! I like the look of that little angel sitting and wTching.

  5. After reading the post it seems that you and your wife and others were the "angels" to help others, Larry. And the pink morning glory is a lovely bloom.
