Monday, August 3, 2015

Monday's Start.......

One other color that is in my hardy geranium collection.  I had almost forgotten that I had it.  I seem to only have this one plant of it which is planted in with the dark red geranium pot. 

This set of blooms are the reverse in color to the one above.  It has white on the outside edge and goes into deep pink. The foliage is enjoying all the rains and hot sun. Within the next few days I will have to start watering them myself by carrying water from my rain barrel. It is time to fertilize again so that will be good to do.

The William Baffin continues to put out a few stray buds and blooms.  I seem to have a  pinkish theme going today. 

I will shock you back to reality with some green hosta.  I need to divide this one as it is so large but I think I will wait until September.

We are running errands for a friend this morning. We will get a bite to eat and then be home for the afternoon.  I hate it that somewhere I picked up a summer cold. Enough said about that. 

I hope all have a good day today and thank you for stopping in to view my post.


  1. Oh what pretty pink flowers today. That's a lovely hosta too. Our 2 hostas from the neighbor last year are doing well. I hope you guys will have a good day and hope the doggies are doing fine.

  2. Pretty flowers! I hope your cold is short lived...get well soon! :)

  3. So far we have missed the summer cold.
    Have a good day!

  4. Oh, Larry---this sweet colour just caught my eye. I've had pink geraniums before, lovely ones, but they were of a stronger pink, without the gentle grace of these.

    Chris brings me some kind of pink flowers every week (last week glads, this week some lush lilies) for the pass-through to our new pink kitchen, now that it's finished.

    I'll have to mention a pot of these, for our geraniums always Winter over well in the living room windows.


  5. Poor you with a summer cold. They're always so scratchy and somehow wrong in hot weather.
    Your hostas don't seem troubled by snails at all - I had to give up growing them because they were eaten to shred.
