Sunday, August 2, 2015

Have a Sunday Visit......

If you are having a good or bad day, the flower has to make you smile. The weather has really weathered the petals of the flowers but the plant is still very much alive.

This is not an ideal planting as the harsh yellow against the pale pinks just does not work.  I didn't plan on the phlox moving in on the Susans so I can or can not be blamed.  The whole garden area really does look like an accident with all the different flowers that grow in this area.  Maybe I should pick up the bricks that line the area and just let the whole group of flowers grow free.

 I don't know why the monarch landed in the pine tree.  I could hardly find it among the branches. I have seen more monarchs this year than last. I am also seeing more wild milk weeds along the highways this year. The whole state is working hard to restore the plants needed to bring back the declining monarchs.

I don't think the sedum will bloom this soon but it certainly seems to be forming its buds. I don't think I will see color until late August.

I went out yesterday afternoon and took many photos of flowers.  I don't know if I have space to share or if everyone has patience to see them all.  I took photos of all of all the different phlox colors and I took most of the geranium colors also.

It is Sunday and we had a very small shower this morning.  That will be it for the rain today and we will go back to being hot again. The moss rose keeps reacting to the weather.  All blooms quit when the plants got too much rain.  Days later the plants reformed new buds as the excess moisture went away.  It looks like it will be normal looking again until we get too hot and dry and the blooms go away again.

I hope everyone has a great Sunday.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. My coneflowers look like yours and the sedum here is about to bloom.
    We are having to water now no rain, went from to much to none.
    How's the book going ? I don't think we have people that would care that much today. Sad to see what is happening to our past history.

  2. I enjoy your flower photos. Glad you could get out to photograph them. I hope that you two will enjoy your Sunday afternoon.

  3. I like that new header photo of the little stones.

  4. Hello! Glad you are seeing more monarchs and milk weed. Really noticing more milk weed around here too.
    That sedum is pretty even before it blooms.

  5. Good news indeed. The monarchs are back here too!

  6. We have more Monarchs than last year too, I am happy to see them. Still not as many as ten years ago:(
