Saturday, August 29, 2015


We are still waiting for the sun to show itself.  I guess this lily will have to do for now.   Heavy rains to the north of us flooded small towns and cancelled football games. Once it was all done raining we warmed up to a steamy evening.  It was strange as the humidity was so heavy that I felt like I was walking in a cloud and little bits of water would hit you in the face and it was not raining.

This is the one thing that brought me closer to Minnesota this summer than anything else.  It is an iron ore rock from the north shore area.  I feel a painting may be put on the rock by me sometime in the next few weeks.  The other side is more interesting to see and has shapes that remind me of cliffs along the Lake Superior.  I don't plan the paintings so I will turn the rock in every direction before I start.  No one please hold their breath waiting to see it, but I am determined to do it.

I am grateful that I have morning glories. I am so anxious to see the other couple of vines to come into bloom.  Maybe, just maybe, they may be a different color.

Phlox continue to give me good shots and I take one every once in a while because I do know that falling leaves and snow is around the corner.  People checking in on this blog for the first time probably think that I am only a garden blog but no, it is all I do during garden season. 

I will draw this post to a close for today.  Some small chores to get done and I need to get on with my day.  We are muddy everywhere but the next 7 days proves to be hot and returning to summer weather.  I hope we dry out a little around here as we are surrounded by the roads mud.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. We are cooler and now need rain. They fenced off my irises so now they can be called ditch irises I guess, hope they grow wild and someone will find them someday.

  2. These are amazing pics of your flowers. I definitely can feel/smell fall in the air here in GA. I will be anxious to see your painting. I had thought during the summer I would paint the names of a few plants on larger rocks to help me remember where they are planted next year but I never got around to it. Wishing you both a nice evening.

  3. You got lots of rain. It is windy here and smoky...and humid today, and yes several times we thought we felt drops but it was just humidity. I am anxious to see what you paint in that rock:)
