Friday, August 28, 2015

Friday's Finish........

It is raining this morning so I doubt I can find glories open for taking shots.  I am hoping a different color will bloom any day now.  It is suppose to rain all day until early evening.

 A creative shot on my creative zone blog seems appropriate. The salvaged water dipper needs to be cleaned up and I think a good soak will make it clean up faster.  The wheel barrel is always full of water so it has been laying in the water for a while.  I will get it cleaned up but  definitely not right away. Sometime soon it will happen.

The feeder has been busy lately with newly hatched sparrows.  I don't think I have ever seen young sparrow eat at the feeder but these past couple of weeks they are there.  It is fun to see them try out their wings by landing in a short tree close by and then flutter in onto the feeder.  One day when it was raining one of the little guys sat on the second shelf staying out of the rain.  I don't know the story about the cardinal.  I don't know if it is the one that has lost a lot of feathers or if it is just a young one. It is smaller than an adult cardinal.

 The sparrows are more in focus in this shot but the view of the cardinal is blocked. For us to have a great green world out there with lots of plants and seeds but the birds still like to come for  free food.  I only see the one male hummingbird now and I think the rest must have started the migration south.

The chokecherry turns to red during this month and then slowly drops its leaves next month. There are only a couple of places where they leaves have turned but some leaves have to be the first to start.

A bunch of them have fallen to the ground from the windy day we had recently.  They don't look so red when there is no light shinning through them.

It is not a nice day here today as we are having what we call a Minnesota rain day.  It will rain all day.  Sportscasters are praying for it to stop for the Friday night football games.  The first ones for the season.  We know we have a trip for business today so we know we have to get out.  It doesn't look like a good day to go shopping or mess around when you have to dodge in and out with umbrellas.  I have a sub job tonight for a friend teacher of mine.  He has a class reunion in Omaha area and the school is having a two hour open house late afternoon.  The principal gave him permission to have me sit in the room for him and hand out papers.  I can do that.  The rest of the day is a "fill in the blank" day.

We did finally get the senior photos from the school and will be doing the group composite.  We will start it but have decided if they can take three months to get the photos to us then we can take as long as we want to get the job done.  Photo givers all failed to do their job by giving me them on a flash drive and most of those are off to college now.  I got the web site address of the yearbook and I can pull photos off of that electronically.

I hope all are doing well on this Friday and that the weekend looks good for you and your plans.  Thanks for sticking by and checking on my site today.

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