Saturday, August 8, 2015

Soggy Day.......

The window is my only light source in my garden shed.  It seems to be fine to not have electricity out there but I wish that I did have it.  I have found that anything that I can hang on the walls and from the ceiling will make more floor space in which for me to walk. This bucket hangs high and doesn't hit my head.  The floor above this area is a place that my son and I built to hold lumber and other stray things. The bucket is rescued and still has not been planted with anything.  Maybe next  year it can hold a set of plants for the patio.

An old cupboard from my dad's garage was once a cupboard in an old house.  I should put it to better use but for now I can see the stains and nails inside of it.

The red shelf came from the dumpster at school.  It has many slots for students to turn in their papers back when it was used.  The new teacher at the time threw it out.  I guess he didn't want to grade papers so he didn't need such a storage shelf.

I am throwing a few things away every few weeks sending those things to the landfill.  I didn't get it done this week but maybe I can get some more things ready for the trip.

I felt strong enough yesterday afternoon to bring the large aquarium up and out of the basement.  The neighbor guy had his tank break and the water went all over the house. Mine was in the house for years and I really enjoyed it but then it seemed to take up too much space.

I had it set up in the basement for the overwintering of my pond fish.  It worked well for koi and large goldfish.  All that stopped a few years back when life just got too busy.  When next door guy's tank broke last winter I reassured him that he did not have to buy a new one.   I will take it over this morning on a appliance cart between one of the rains.

More space in the basement is great.  The more space I have to work in the more space I have to find, sort and throw away other things.

I will get back to the flowers now.  We are really dry as four or five straight hot sunny days has dried out the soil in planters and on the ground.  I had to water pots of flowers yesterday as everything was sagging.

I have tried to stake up some of my coneflowers but it is disappointing to see the result.  Heavy rains this time last week pushed over all the coneflowers.  This bunch isn't very natural looking.  I think too that the butterflies do not like the arrangement.  I saw monarchs yesterday and a yellow swallowtail but they didn't hang around for very long in my gardens.

It has not been easy for this second bloom of my zinnias to develop.  Its stem is bent and had fallen to the ground.  I have it propped up so it can get more light and it is opening in a distorted way.

One day later from the last photo and you can see it is trying to shape up a little. The rains today should make it bounce open bigger and bolder.

I have found that I am not in full recovery from the summer cold but now it is just an energy thing.  My wife, being a couple days behind with this, is stronger today also.  It is good that we are kept inside with the weather as we can just rest one more day.

We made a trip to Walmart last night for a few things and picked up a sandwich at the Burger place.  One of my former students was there working.  It will be interesting to see how long he lasts.  The business itself is having a hard time keeping any consistent staff. They are always understaffed and behind on all of their orders.  The place is situated next to the mini mall area and it seems that the drive through is the dominate business for them.

It is Saturday and we are into the weekend.  I hope all are well or are feeling better.  Thanks for stopping in to read my chatter.


  1. Good Afternoon, I know you both are still sick but I am thankful you both are some stronger. John uses 1/2 of our garage for his "shed." There is one little dim light fixture in the center of a window-less garage. He has rigged up lights here and there for when he has to work with the garage door closed. Funny the things we have moved over the years. One such item is a drawer from the kitchen in the house where I grew up. For some reason, it has become sentimental! We also have very old cardboard matchboxes that daddy kept screws, bolts, etc. in that we hang on to.
    I know your neighbor will appreciate your aquarium.
    I enjoyed your flower photos today. Take care and hope you both feel better every day.

  2. I'm happy to learn you are both feeling better, summer colds are the worst.
    I've been battling a cough for the past three weeks, x-rays, antibiotics and many bags of cough drops later, I'm still coughing.
    Your flowers are always so pretty, lots of TLC makes the difference, even in times when we seem to have drought or flooding, they always seem healthy.
    Good call on the fish tank.
