Sunday, August 9, 2015

Sunday Shots.......

I saw a new bloom on a geranium the other day on someone's blog.  After studying the photo I realized it was a scented geranium.  It was a great bloom but I have never considered buying one.  It probably has to do with the idea that I don't go to the big time nurseries where they probably are selling them.  I had an art teacher friend from another school who collected only scented geraniums and she worked with the DM Botanical Center to get her inside for buying them.

Needs a nest right there.  The balsam pine is growing well and really has liked all the rains this summer.

I have probably shared this story before but I will make it short this time.  An older townsperson stopped to help me cut down my dead redbud tree.  It was last summer and I had not addressed it being cut down fast enough to suit him.   He saw this golden privet was growing under the tree and he was going to cut it down.  I said no and he thought they smelled badly and he didn't like them.  Well what he really was itching to do is to start cutting down my whole yard of trees.  He thought they were a nuisance.  He really wanted to butcher up my birch tree to make it look like a palm tree.  I always smile when I see this privet as I mow the yard. I did trim up the birch some this summer but it doesn't look like a palm tree.

When I was a kid on the farm, I called them rose moss and I thought they were the most exotic flower.  I am sure it was the strong color and the multiple petaled flowers that I liked and the foliage is so interesting. Now that I am older, I have been corrected to call it moss rose, and I still do enjoy having all those flowers popping out at me from the pot of soil.

It is Sunday and I hope all of you are having a good day.  We faced very humid weather yesterday and today doesn't promise to me much better.  We are having sprinkles that are off and on Saturday. We needed a rain and as of Sunday morning our overnight rain was less than an inch. We are overcast this morning but it will clear off the rest of the day.

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. That's interesting about the scented geraniums. The photo of your pine is so nice. What nerve of that man to make it his business what grows in your yard! At our last home (from just over a year ago) the neighbors tormented us with their two pit bulls and also they twice hired a tree company to cut down OUR trees! Fortunately, we stopped the tree cutters before the damage was done.
    I love the moss rose, too. Such happy colors.
    John is still under the weather with his diabetes. I strained my foot but after resting it, I can put my weight on it once again.
    I hope you both have a relaxing day.

  2. Glad to see we are not the only one with a aggressive neighbor.
    It makes me feel bad, but you have to stand up to these people.
    I like the moss rose it takes the hot sun so well when others wilt.
    I love our trees and we need them in the summer time to keep us cool.

  3. I like Moss Roses no fuss no muss kind of plant. Humid here again today...miserably humid:(
