Friday, August 21, 2015

The End.......... of the Week

We are eating tomatoes.  They are good but we won't have a large harvest.  I have a garden area that is partially shaded causing things to be less productive. The pot on the patio isn't in full sun either so it is slow to put out much produce.

The rains have removed most of the blooms from my hardy geraniums.  The few at the back porch steps held onto some of their blooms.

My new project of removing class composites from their frames has started.  I do have a source book to find the info to know how many I have to do but for now I don't want to know.

I have done a lot of them already but as you can see the pile has junked up the art gallery. I know the person who took these framed composites completely apart so she could photograph them for a centennial book for the city of Woodward. That was in the early 1980's.  When she reassembled them duct tape was run around on the back edges as a dust gurad.  Duct tape that is 30 years old is pretty much worthless. I peel off a lot of old tape.

I was told that I could have or destroy anything left over once the composites were removed.  In most cases the frames will not be saved.  I don't know if glass ages but the new years of glass could be recycled.  The composites are going to be placed into a rack of swinging panels.  In most cases they will be all placed in the sleeves correctly but some of them that are too large will be put in sideways. 

I will be taking various shots of these pictures as there are a lot of stories behind these faces.  I have taught a lot of the grandchildren or great grandchildren of some of these graduates.  I am finding family members that made me aware as to how long a family has been living in this area.

The hand tinted photos were the first of color photos in Iowa schools.  My wife's mother use to do that when she was young for a company in Des Moines.  My class composite was still in black and white in 1968.   I did get one hand tinted 8x10 in the photo packet when we bought them.

Some schools were getting color photography at thay same time but not at our school.  Unfortunately in one company in Iowa the color photos went bad in about 10 years after they were printed and most of them turned green.  I believe I remember it was bad photo paper that caused the problem

Can you guess what year the photos represent shown here?  If you guessed 1957 you would be correct. Duane Krueger is the grandfather of one set of kids that I had in school.  I know this for sure as the photo is a duplicated face of James that I had in school and am still a friend of his today.

We are on a journey today with a neighbor lady to Boone, Iowa.  I will get work done this morning before we leave and will probably be able to return back to work this afternoon. It is warmer today and that feels good.  Yesterday we were jockeying between running a furnace and then air conditioner in the afternoon. Thank you for stopping by today.


  1. Your tomatoes look very tasty. Wow, that is a huge project you are working on with the photos. I love seeing the hairstyles from days gone by, and also the eyeglasses. Hope you have a pleasant day out with your neighbor.
    We are making the effort to go out to our friend's Mexican restaurant nearby. She has adopted us as "grandparents!" lol It is her birthday and we are delivering a box of chocolates and a card to her, also.

  2. Yum...nothing like a homegrown tomato :)
    That's a fascinating project Larry, all those stories behind all those faces, in a time when life was good .
    I hope you are able to use many of those old frames, seems such a shame to waste them.

  3. I love the color of your geraniums.

    Furnace in the morning, a.c. in the afternoon. Wow!

    It's strictly a.c. down here, 24/7 until cooler weather gets here, which may not be until Oct. if we're lucky.

    Have a great weekend ~ FlowerLady

  4. You don't need a huge crop to enjoy having fresh tomatoes.
    Interesting on the photo composites. Nice to see those being preserved and made available in a better way.

  5. That is quite a project. They must be putting the photos in a display rack...we had one of those at the museum. After a time the photos seemed to fade some. Yes some photos did turn green long ago and I think it was the bad paper. Looks like you have lots of work ahead of you! We were warmer today 84 but tomorrow we are in the 70's again...I like the 70's. Your tomatoes look yummy! :)
