Thursday, August 20, 2015

Thursday's Things..........

These holes were filled with concrete yesterday.  Some of them are manholes but this one was not.  We have been driving through town like a pin ball dodging back and forth trying not to hit the pins on the roads. 

It is cold but today might get a lot warmer.  Maybe we will have normal temperatures. The coneflowers are really declining.  They seemed to have bloomed early this year if that is possible but they are now going away. I have not had a feeding frenzy by butterflies this year but the bees do still like the coneflowers. 

I thought the hummingbirds had migrated but one is still around.  My wife saw one darting around at the phlox a couple of days ago.  I have seen the male at the feeder once in the past few days. 

We are running errands today for my wife's friend and should be back home by the afternoon.  Button survived his rabies shot the other day and came home smiling from ear to ear to have that experience completed.  He has a new food now for older dogs and he likes it.   It seems to be a long week for us but we will make it through.   I hope all are well today.   Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. I am glad Button's trip to the vet is over. Thankful that he likes his new food too. Kaboodle, our oldest, has a vet appt. on Monday and she hates to ride in the car.
    Your zinnias are pretty. It's always sad to see the coneflowers fade. Our red knockout roses are still pretty. They had a slow start this year due to the ice storm.
    Be safe today running your errands.

  2. Cool here too 45 or something like that this morning, but it turned out to be a nice day. Good to hear Button is doing okay...and new food well that is a great treat for an older dog:)
