Thursday, August 6, 2015

Trumpeting in Thursday.........

The mandevilla likes living in my back yard.  I didn't mess with changing it to real soil but I think it has a good mixture in the pot.  It seems to be opening a bud every few days.  I follow a blog in France and Claude has the same color of mandevilla blooming right now.

All the hardy geranium slips that I planted are just now starting to bloom.  It took them a while but I was successful with most of them.  There are too many of them.  It did help them to bloom better by getting the weeding done in their area and they started getting more light.  I fertilized everything a couple of days ago and I am glad I did so. Gardening for me gets so busy and also neglected that I forget to fertilize.

The impatience plant seems to being doing well. They have it planted in the nonsoil mix and I really have to keep it watered every single day.  When I get frustrated with that I will put it into my own soil. 

I mentioned earlier that my mom would buy one of these plants for the summer every year.  When she got older then I made sure she had one.  The color for her was to be the brightest red that they had for sale or the brightest orange.  This pink one seems to have a darker foliage which makes it seem to be a very bright color.

My taking of moon shots is always a problem.  I do think this was an interesting result when I didn't know what I was doing. The full moon is going away now but I had this on another camera and forgot to share it. I didn't trash it with all the rest but decided to share it.

One thing that I am monitoring is this one red bud. I really don't understand why it is so red as you can see the color of the flowers.  I have had this rose for many years and I would have thought I would have noticed that before now.  I do think it is a fluke of nature and I will head out this morning to see what has developed with the red bud.

The sunflowers are loving our weather and they really have gown big.  This one was a volunteer from last year's planting so it is bigger than any of the others.  The rest of them are all the same height and I bet in a week they all will be this high too.

We had a busy day yesterday with our hospital visits.  We got the friend back to her place safe and sound and she is glad that it is done for another three weeks.  I drug through the end of the day with the summer cold even though I was way on the back end of it.  My wife was slower to show the symptoms but she does now have the full blown version of the cold.  Don't worry, the friend is the one who gave us this cold late last week.  She isn't in danger of catching what she gave to us. It isn't good that she would have had it during the chemo treatment but she was mostly over it before yesterday.  Everyone in the house will be resting today.  I am feeling the best of the two of us so I am in charge as far as doctors duties go.  

We have a chance of rain coming today.  This weekend is the Highway 141 garage sales where all the towns for many miles will have sales in each town.  There are barns opened up once a year just for the event as well as machine sheds to handle all the sales and buyers.  I hope they can finish up some dirt work in our town before then. We are a tough town to be walking in still.  Maybe today they will bring in more dirt and do more filling in edges of the sidewalks and along the roads.  The step off from the streets to the yards are a real problem that I deal with every night while walking with Barney.

We are survivors and I am hoping the summer colds will all be gone by Saturday.   I hope everyone out there is doing well and that the weather is treating everyone better.  Some people are getting cooler weather and others are getting the rain that they need.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. All looks well in your yard for late summer, we got much needed rain but to much and it was a flood. The ditch ran over but the sump pump put it back in the ditch and now the yard is a mess with dregs.
    Take care and be careful out walking.

  2. I'm sorry to hear that your wife is sick now. You two take it easy and try to feel better very soon. The mandevilla is so pretty. I also love the geraniums, impatiens and sunflowers. Do be careful with the uneven pavement when walking the dog. Some how I have re-injured my foot and can barely put weight on it today; John is a pretty good nurse!!! When we were younger, we would have loved those miles of yard sales. We just had a nice rain/thunderstorm which means no watering and cooler temps.

  3. The red bloom is interesting, I wonder if it will happen again...most likely not:)

  4. Reading this a little later, Larry, and hope that both you and your wife are feeling better. Enjoyed all the bright pink colors in your post too!
