Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Wednesday's Whims...........

I am back to drinking coffee.  That means my summer cold is almost gone.  It is frustrating to have a cold in the middle of the summer. The fever broke  two nights ago and the rest has been improving health ever since.

I shared a photo of my first tomato on the Photo a Day blog.  Last evening I ventured into the patch and found some more hopeful ones. It will be good if I check it every day now as things do move quickly when it comes to tomatoes.

Staying on the theme this is apparently from a beefsteak tomato plant.  They are really growing big.

My zinnias did not do well this year.  My very first planting did grow and I ended up with almost a dozen plants.  The next planting right next to it did not grow. The rainy season must have been hard on them.  I just don't know why.  I am happy I have a few.  The butterflies really like zinnias as of now I have one bloom.

The ditch is always giving me new things to see.  Barney is wanting to cross the ditch but I won't be able to do that. I could get down but not up the other side. 

As the ditch dries it makes this great pattern and as you can see one my my neighbor girls tried to cross it before it had become dry enough to do so.

Moss rose is doing well again.  It had taken a break from blooming and now it has new buds all over the plants.

We are on our journey to take my wife's friend to the hospital.  We stay with her for awhile and then leave.  We return to take her home as well as do any other errands she might want to have done. She announced that she was over half done with her chemo appointments.  She has three more to do and its evaluation time to see what to do next. 

We have a semi sunny day and had an early sprinkle this morning but it should stay cool and dry the rest of the day. Thanks you for stopping by today.


  1. The Squirrels are pulling our tomatoes.

  2. Yum your tomatoes are looking good, enjoy !
    That mud looks awful slippy, I would be the one to fall :)
    Happy to read you have gotten over your summer cold, worse than a winter one always.

  3. That is a muddy ditch! I wonder what will grow there? :)

  4. Thankful your cold is better. I recognize that coffee cup (Blue broke one of ours) and it looks like you take a little cream in your coffee - so do I. I can almost smell your tomatoes! Those beef steaks will be great sliced on a sandwich or burger. I enjoyed seeing your zinnia and the moss rose. I hope your wife's friend will receive encouraging news at the end of her treatment. I'm thankful you have good driving conditions for the trip today. We had a good rain shower this afternoon and will not have to water tonight.

  5. Summer colds are awful! I hope you continue to feel better with each new day. Those tomatoes look great.

    Your flowers are pretty and may the rest of your week be good.


  6. My husband always seems to catch a summer cold, and one during Christmas too. You guys just need to rest and relax like everyone else during holiday & vacation breaks without getting sick and being forced to rest ! ( If only you could plan life thusly )
