Tuesday, August 18, 2015


The corn is firing and ready to finish hardening off the kernels on the cob.  The variety of corn this year has two ears on it and the size of the one is very large. By the time the whole stalk is dead the corn will be ready for harvest.

If it were not raining this morning I could go over and take pictures of blooms of morning glories.  You can see the spent blooms of one vine in the above photo.

The grass has sure slowed down in its growth even though it is getting plenty of moisture.  I am not ready for fall to come. 

The sunflowers were planted late but all of them are now forming their seed heads.  I was asked by a friend if we were going to eat them and I shared that they are intended for the birds this winter.

When it rains I put the impatience plant under the eave so it can get self watered.  I finally put the whole pot inside of the bucket so the water will collect in the bucket instead of running through the bottom and out onto the ground. The soil it is planted in does not hold much water.

I trust all is well out there in blog land and you are having a good week.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Hope you are enjoying the cooler weather...we sure are! :)

  2. That is a great pic of the sunflower; the birds will surely enjoy the seeds this winter.

    We have had thunderstorms off and on today. A good excuse not to much today! lol

  3. The corn is looking healthy, despite all the rain early in the spring.
    I love sunflowers, what 'giving' little flowers, well not so little :)
    My grandson has planted a field full of them, I can't help but smile when I look out across the fields....

  4. It looks like a huge corn crop here in Bluff Country. Our farmer neighbors are all smiling...:)
