Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Wednesday is a Wash..........

A break in the weather shows a clear sky in the water reflection.  The water was collected from the roof of the garden shed. We had at least 2 inches of rain or more the past two days.

 My Lake Big Mistake stays full most of the time since the past two days of rainfall.  I see I have a smaller lake just to the south of this one.  We do not have our roads project done but I guess there is still time before it snows.

The soil has been added to the shoulders of the new asphalt.  It makes things to be better except when it rains.  It all turns to mud and the mailman is driving into the new dirt leaving large gulleys.   I have grass seed that I could share but I am not certain if gravel will go down onto this. I will wait and see.

Barney and myself are having fun trying not to get muddy when we walk at night.  My shoes get messed up and have to be cleaned each time I go out.

I have been asked to help out on a project at school.  The older composites of past graduates are sitting in a closet.  I am to remove them all from frames and get them ready for a modern display rack. I will be organizing that too.  I hesitate to count how many of these that I will be doing but I have one from 1919 and they should go up to 1970's.  The one above is from 1941.  It would be interesting to know how many of the boys and girls in that goup ended up fighting in the war.  There are students pictured who are from some of the Italian miners families who lived south of here.  I recognize a lot of the names as I probably had their grandchildren in school when I taught there.

Drought is the worse weather to live through.  The damage from excess rain ruins most all of the flowers. This rose snapped down because of the heavy rains.  We all have learned to live with the weather.  We will be wearing coats or long sleeves today as it is very cold now.  The furnace did not turn on but it might by this evening.

I hope all are well out there today.  I appreciating your stopping by.  As my friend in France usually says,   "Tomorrow."


  1. Cool here too. I am rather enjoying it! That looks like an interesting project you have taken on with the old HS photos. Raining here too and yes it ruins some flowers, but since I never water anything I figure it is worth it. You should make a sign for your Lake Mistake:)

  2. Hard to believe it is fall weather up your way so soon. Time waits for no one are our flowers.
    We are getting rain today but not cool weather. My flowers sure need this rain. Have you started school yet?

  3. Rainy here too. So sorry about Lake Mistake.....what a mess for everyone to contend with. Best wishes with the new project.
