Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Tuesday's Things......

I did not move to Arizona.  Some days I wish that I could.  The cactus is putting out little ones similar to the base plant.  I am assuming that I could pull the little ones off and start a new cactus.

I found a pot that I made many years ago down in the basement.  It reminded me that this one Christmas cactus needed to be replanted into a bigger pot and a little bit better soil.  This oldie will do the trick.

The soilless mixture that it was planted in just was too difficult for me to keep track of it. I can't keep that close of eye on the plant to water it. I did see a little bit of soil was in that mixture but it was too powdery to me for it to grow in for along period of time.

I moved it into a mixture of the original mixture and some good Iowa dirt.  It will hold water a little better and the gravel in the bottom will allow it to drain well.  I am working on the faith idea that the very wilted Christmas cactus will come back even though it was really limp from being too dry. If it dies I won't share the photo but if it revives I will share a shot of it.

I must get new batteries for my wife's camera.  I can't shoot through the window with my new camera but her camera lets me get shots like this. I never dreamed that I would ever capture that red band as my very first photo in low light made the the band look black.

I am glad that we are getting rain.  The end result though is that it is removing petals from the blooms every time it rains.  I don't really want to move into fall leaf photos yet.  I do have the tall sunflowers yet to bloom so I will still have a flower to photograph. The grass is growing slower now but the yard is shaggy.  I will probably push my mower around a little bit this morning but will only do a small part of it.  We were cold temperature wise this morning at 60  degrees F.  The state fair hasn't started yet but it looks like we will have fall-like weather for that time period.

I wish everyone well today and thanks for stopping by my post.


  1. I love the pot you made and I hope the Christmas cactus does well. I love the hummer photo and also the coneflowers. We are noticing some leaves falling. My autumn allergies are acting up. I haven't been to a state fair in a long time, but always enjoyed it. I know you and the doggies are enjoying the cooler mornings.

  2. Indeed you can pull them off and start new ones easily...:)

  3. We will get cooler weather this week ,must be coming down from your state. Always had Christmas cactus in the past, house plants don't do
    well in this house.
