Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Middle of the Week.

A stray lily put on a bud and started to bloom, all while laying on the ground.  I have it staked up now but it does have stain on a couple of petals from the soil. I really don't understand its growing behavior.  It should have bloomed a month ago.  I did clear away some weeds and grass in the area and they could have kept it from maturing.

My knee jerk reaction would be to dig it and move it in a couple of weeks. It must not like being in that location.  I haven't checked to see if there is a fragrance.

I shared a similar photo this today on my Photo a Day blog. The neighbor's cat apparently thought the nice breeze was cooling him off up there and he just decided to have a nap.  He didn't bother to wake up for the dogs when they were out there and he opened his eyes once when I was out there.  I kept checking to be sure he was not stuck.  He wasn't stuck as later on he was eating cat food at the side porch.

The mandevilla seems to be doing well in the pot on the patio table. I don't know how well it will do inside but we sure have enjoyed it outside this summer.

The first bloom fell off the vine a few days ago and I was surprised to see how long it has lasted laying on the table.  Tropical plants are fun to have but this guy will not last the fall weather in Iowa.

In the past few days the morning glories are acting like normal plants.  Vines have just begun to climb quickly.  I did have some volunteer plants come up from last years plantings and the large leafed one is one of them.  I had a large white flower that bloomed and I think this must be that plant growing from seed. If I can keep them alive we will see what it is for sure.

These vines are next to the apple trees and while I am out there I am trying to avoid making a decision about what to do with the hundreds of apples.  I will try to give away some of them for sure. I was looking out the upstairs window this morning adjusting a window and I don't think I have ever seen that many apples on that tree ever.

I am hoping to finish mowing my yard and orchard area today.  It is cooler than usual and that is a good thing.  I wear a jacket when I walk Barney at night.  Other chores can be done today but I am moving slowly today.  I am not on a fixed schedule so I won't worry about what I do get done.  I hear rumors of a bookstore visit may happen today and that will be fun.   I hope all are well and thanks for stopping by today.


  1. My Morning Glory's did not make it this year, but I do
    have some late Zinnia's about to bloom.
    Have a fun day!

  2. I did not dream when I commented on your earlier post about the cat that he was in the doggies' area!!! He is one cool cat!!!
    I sure have enjoyed your mandevilla blooms. The white lily is stunning too. Do I remember that you shared apples with a friend who has horses last year?
    John has really felt bad and has not wanted to leave the house. We did get a quick hair cut this afternoon and he found two dvd's at the thrift store to entertain him. I think it helps to get out for a little while, if possible.
    Hope you both enjoy the bookstore and hope you are feeling better.

  3. That cat is cute up there on his perch! That Morning Glory better hurry up and bloom:)
