Friday, September 18, 2015

Harvest Time........

Standing on a step ladder gives me an ability to pick the bigger apples. It was a hazy afternoon and it was hot and humid.  I picked a lot of apples and there are so many more to be picked.  The squirrels really do like them and I see on carry off a smaller apple every once in a while. The neighbor lady across the way watched her two dogs playing in the yard and also kept an eye on the old man on the ladder. I keep asking people and there are so many people who don't want to take time to peal and apple and bake it in something.  Our society has gotten too spoiled and they just buy it out of the freezer at the store. I do know it takes a lot of time to put it all together but some time one needs to fit cooking into life somewhere.  My wife and I put out two batches of cobbler late afternoon and we froze one of them.

My stock tank turned into a fish tank outside has had water in it all summer.  I have never had to add water to this thing once this summer.  I have apples that fall from a nearby tree falling into the tank and the larger goldfish chew on them.  You can see them floating in the water.  The foliage in the front is the patch of field lilies that decided to revive after it had all died down.  As I keep clearing my paths back to the fish I will eventually cut back the free growing plants back there.

The burning bushes are turning red and also putting out red berries.  It looks like they are going to have a normal fall.  The past few years there were leaves by this time or there were leaves and no berries.  The rains have been good to them.

The weekend is coming and we are going to be going through more storms for a couple of days.  I am right now headed to the yard to mow  and I have a famed job to finish up this afternoon.  I hope everyone has a good day today and will find fun things to do for the weekend.  Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. That is too cute about the fish gnawing on the apple! Good that the neighbor lady looks out for you. When John goes outside, I am constantly peeking out the window to make sure he is upright! You and your wife are smart to freeze a cobbler for a busy day down the road. It will be delicious! It seems I repeat myself all the time when commenting on your blog post BUT I always loved the burning bushes at a previous home. The red really popped this time of year. I often wish I could blink my eyes and get back all the plants we ever had!
