Saturday, September 19, 2015

Starting Out.......Saturday

The two hold each other up in the air so it looks like a double bloom. The blooms of the zinnias seem to be more on the fading side than the new side of things.

My Friday work included using these two essentials.  Somehow the mosquitoes are back out there and they like to be in one's face.  Warm blooded people are their favorite victims. One of the insects made it into our living room while watching tv.  I had to relieve it from its duties to bite me.

While mowing yesterday I was carrying my camera in my cargo shorts. I was near the pear tree and went in to pick up a few of the pears before the insects get to them.   I looked down and saw one of these feeding on a pear that was rotting.  I was not getting good photos of it.  It was cold and all of a sudden the butterfly crawled over to a violet leaf and started to warm up its wings. I looked this one up and found it to be the Eastern Comma butterfly.  I had taken a photo of a Question Mark butterfly a couple of weeks ago. They are from the same family but they do look differently. 

I don't think I ever knew their names before and really didn't think they were significant but now with the internet you can identify even the little butterflies.

I was out early on Friday and had to return to get the camera.  You can now see why.  With the cold weather, the morning glories are blooming very early in the cold and are closing off quickly.  I did get a lot of great shots of them but I have already tired everyone of these blooms. I well sneak a few of them each day until I share them all.

The darker red bloom, it is almost violet. was a surprise for me to see. The light pink ones are on the other side of the trellis and they were not blooming yesterday when these were.
 I planted my mums into the ground yesterday and I moved a large lily bulb with the big stem on it to a new location.  Our fiber optics people will be digging into a flower garden area and I now have all plants moved.  I gave the red peony to my neighbor and the lily is gone.  The old fashion rose bushes will have to be on their own.  I don't think they will be harmed.

I am trimming off phlox now every time that I have to go out with Button.  I have the clippers laying right by the door.  I don't trim at 2 in the morning but I do clip off things all during the day.  He doesn't stay out long but it keeps me moving forward with the project.  We were very cold again this morning.  I had to mess with the furnace to get it to be at least 70 degrees F. in the house. 

I found this bud out there to my surprise.  You will probably seem many shots of this bloom once it is open. It is one of the three dahlias that I planted earlier.  The grew very slowly and then had insects eat off all of the leaves but now they are back.

No big plans today.  The bookstore is  in the upcoming events column. I have a frame job, a big one, that is so close to being done, and I think sitting around is also in my future for our day off. Cold but no rain makes the day an ok day.  Thanks for stopping by today.

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