Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Middle of the Week, Yes!

Polygonia interogationis - Question Mark

I remember seeing someone else posting a butterfly with the name of "question mark butterfly."  I didn't really think I have ever heard of that being an Iowa butterfly from all my life living in Iowa.  I did look it up and it is what it is.  I can now add that to my brain cells for memory even though I don't see any punctuation mark on it.

Another shot that I have here of the burning bush.  The berries have not turned yet to the color red.  I remember seeing birds liking to eat them in the fall.

The big and small of things are the zinnia blooms.   I will never figure these plants out.   It puzzles me that the flower heads are never the same size.  I am assuming the vary in size with the size of the stem. Those who have studied them probably have perfect explanations for its growth pattern.

It isn't like death and destruction as the seasons change as things just gradually withdraw.  The field lilies are all gone and yet they are putting out a new growth for some strange reason.  I suppose the rains make it seem like spring all over again.  As the field lilies go it makes it easier for me to remove the other spent flowers.  The phlox are at a point that I can't really photograph anything but a picture of decline. 

This smaller rose put out a couple of new blooms a week ago.  I still have the photos but the rain destroyed them in two days.

It really is a nice rose and normally the blooms stick around longer than most roses.  I don't know if I will see another set of blooms on this or not, but I am going to prune it back just in case it wants to do so. 

Various projects are on the go today.  I do need to mow but I am waiting for it to warm up a little.  The grass is also full of dew right now from the cool weather and humidity.  I was thinking last night when I was out with the dog that I may need to bring the mandevilla inside now as it is getting really cool at night and that plant thinks it is in Floriday.   I wish everyone a good day today.  Thanks for coming by.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful Butterfly, I can almost see the ? mark in the black dots...almost! Far Guy mowed the front lawn yesterday...not much dust or pollen out so I got a break from mowing!! Cool here now..almost cold( pretend I didn't say that) :)
