Thursday, September 10, 2015

Fall is Coming Soon........

The rains really take a toll on my hardy geranium bllooms.  I see here that there are more buds to open to replace these spent one.

I visited the neighboring corn field yesterday to see how things were developing.  The stalks are not all dead but it is getting close to harvest time.  I did see evidence of a lot of blooms on morning glories that grow wild in the field.  I don't know it is throughout the field that they grow or just along the edges of the field.  When they don't plow the fields the seeds could very much be scattered each year through the whole patch.

The corn is very close to being picked.  I would think that as long as their is green in some of the stalks that the corn itself still has a lot of drying to do.

When I peal back the dead husk this is what one can see.  I am predicting a big harvest on this 13 acre plot as there are two ears on each stalk unlike last year when there was only one. You can see hints of color from the shriveled up morning glories in this photo.

While walking though the neighbor's side yard to get to the field I noticed a squirrel must have spread a seed to his yard.  It may not be a corn plant but another kind of millet or seed from birdseed that has been scattered. I am sure the morning glories are spread by the birds from people's gardens like mine.

I know the son of the man who rents this land.  I think that if the man would plant this himself he would plow in a few more rows to get as much planted as he could.  As you travel along highways you can see farmers have planted to the very edge of the ditches to get as many rows of corn planted as possible. I suppose it depends on the width of the planter and it doesn't work out to come in any more. 

Another recycle object that I saved from the trash.  The guy is throwing a lot of things away as I think he has to move to an apartment.  There was a large Santa Claus out there earlier when I drove by and that was snatched up right away.  I didn't want it but I think it funny how people like me find things to save.

I put a fresh finish on this last night and was thinking my wife's friend might like this.  I am finding out now that just maybe my wife wants to keep it. I will share a finished photo later with varnish and paste wax finish.  It seems to be an early addition of furniture in a box but the wood is a solid wood not laminated particle board.  It is solid wood through and through. It reminds me of walnut but it probably is a good knock off of it.

We have to finish packaging one of my wife's painting and ship it off this morning.  It was the painting of the cat that was up on her post recently.  The person who buys it has a lot of long haired cats and she can't resist collection my wife's paintings of them. 

I will finish up my mowing today and I have some old tires that need to be removed from their rims that I have started working on.  It is a long story about tires with rims sitting in my yard.  I need to get to work on that project. Two tires a day should get me done by November. 

The mandefilla shown at right seems to keep blooming for me.  There are a lot of new buds on the plant now and I am thinking I may need to bring it inside soon as it is getting too cold at night for it.

I appreciated your stopping in today to read my prattle.   I took lots of photos to keep me going for a few days when I was out yesterday.  I don't want to dig through archives but maybe I should do an archive photo a week sometime to take off the pressure of keeping up fresh photos.  Everyone have a good day.


  1. Well the bookcase was a good find! Interesting about the Morning Glories in the field of corn. It feels like Fall here too:)

  2. That shelf was a super save! I can see why your wife wants to keep it. Wish I had some good sweet corn- I never made it to the farmer's market this summer. :(
