Wednesday, September 2, 2015


This is not an experiment, it just happened.  I had green tomatoes on the table sitting on the porch and the neighbor cat wants to sit on that table.  He knocked off the apples so I moved the tomatoes to the petrified wood slab.  I don't think they will ripen faster on the rock.  In fact they were accidentally picked with a ripe tomato and I doubt they will ever ripen.

Here is my featured photo of the monarch that I chose not to run on my photo a day.  It seems to be same old thing when I travel through facebook photos of Iowa and everyone is taking shots of the monarch. I noticed yesterday that the zinnias are drawing a couple of them in regularly.

I have made the decision not to bring in all the pots full of hardy geraniums this fall.  I will pick a couple of them and the rest will go to the basement.  My wife sort of gave a sigh of relief mentioning it really was a jungle in there when they all come inside.

The rains took out most all of the geranium blooms and they are not coming back one more time.  The water in that bucket in the background is the last measurement of rain we received. That was over the weekend if I remember and we did get another storm go through last night.  More rain is what we need for my ditches.

Signs of fall show up at the base of one of my shrubs.  I think it is premature but it is turning.  I am not ready for it and with our hot weather for the next few days I won't be thinking about fall. 

It is a red day for me.  I am not mad, I just feel a little bit stressed.  Well, I feel a lot stressed.  I have so many projects that are sitting there and until we go to the store to buy things, none of them can be accomplished.   The senior class composite project is not going well. It is too difficult to explain but the photos are too low in resolution and there is nothing we can do about it. I hate doing a job where the quality is not at its best.

We have to go buy more ink for the printer today to keep going on that job.  The historic composites are all sitting around the dining room waiting for some school administrator to buy the next display rack for them.  I have to decide what to do with all the old frames and I do believe they will just disappear. I have a project to do for someone who hates to pay for the job I am doing but she will be paying for something as I don't do charity for framing.  I am doing a crochet name for a sweet lady who is giving that for a wedding present.  I need a mat for that before I can going on it.  I went to lightly spray it after I pin and stretch it with some starch and that can is not going to work even though it is full. 

I have a friend that just wants enough apples for two pies, but I am thinking once she sees how many I have that mavbe she can take more. I am giving three sacks of apples away tomorrow when we take my wife's friend on errands. People in her apartment are very interested in making apple crisp.

Well, I shall close this down for today.  I never made it outside for photos yesterday as I spent the day editing photos on the computer for 50 plus seniors.  The are ready to print as is and I don't have to be on the computer today.  We are off to purchase essentials to keep the projects going today.  It will be hot out there as we are going into a hotter day today than yesterday.  The  humidity makes it feel like Iowa.   I hope all are well out there and everyone stays safe.   Thanks for  stopping by today.


  1. Stay cool! We did 6 dozen corn cobs today uffda tired is my name but it will taste good next winter. Good luck with your projects:)

  2. Hope your stress goes down! But I'm glad to see all your Monarch pictures.

  3. Good Morning, Very pretty photos. Apple crisp does sound very delicious. That is frustrating about the project and the low resolution. John rode with me to the gas station/Kroger grocery. He lost his balance and fell at the gas pump and fell into a stack of bottled water beside the pump. He's ok but discouraged.
