Thursday, September 3, 2015

Picking Things........

I went out to pick the cherry tomatoes and came back with a few stray things.  The heirloom tomato is a different looking tomato but they are good. I found a few fallen apples for the day while I was out there harvesting. 

The sunflowers are really maturing quickly.  They love the heat and the humidity as the leaves are large and green and they keep growing in height.

I call this shot my red, white and blue photo. The blue flower is a wild weed that puts out the nicest small blue flower.  Wild flower scholars could list the name of the plant.

A feeling great project is the little shelf unit.  I found it in a neighbor's pile next to the garbage bin.  I recovered it and gave it a paste wax finish.  It brought it back to life.  It has a few dings in it but most of my antiques have blemishes in them.  This piece is more solid wood than some but it isn't antique.  It has a slot for displaying plates so the shelf will probably end up in the dining room.

 I don't understand people's way with material things but the neighbor has thrown so many good things away.  It appears that he lets things go when he just doesn't have a use for it or it seems to be in his way. I watched him clear out many large counters from the garage that a former owner had build for work space. I think the other neighbor across from him moved them right into his garage. I noticed later at his present pile that others had visited it as a folding lawn chair is not there any more and a picture frame tempted some one as it has been moved from place to place next to the bin.  This shelf is meant to be hung as it has holes in the back for large screws that would be in the wall. We have plenty of things that can sit on it.

I think this dog lives with a great attitude.  I took apples over to the neighbor and got to share the chair with Princess.  The back of the chair is soft, high enough to see outside when you sit up, and a dog can move from end to end to find the best resting place as she did many times while I was there.

We are running errands for my wife's friend today buying groceries, hitting the bookstore, and getting a meal somewhere.  The friend is taking us to a salad bar cafe which she says also has the best coffee.  I have a lot of materials now to work with and I will sneak in a little work this morning before we leave.  It is too hot and muggy to work outside.   I hope all are well with my blogger friends and everyone stays safe.  Thank you for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. The shelf is very pretty and will be wonderful for displaying you and your wife's treasures. Princess is adorable. I think most of us pet owners have a chair or sofa with mis-shaped cushions where the pets sleep on them to see out the windows! lol
    Your flowers sure are pretty. The sunflowers have really done well.
    Hot again here today. I hope your day has gone well.
