Friday, September 11, 2015


In one of the animated movies "Up" the dogs are a part of the story.  In a few particular scenes the twenty or more dogs who look like they are paying attention to things will hear someone yell squirrel and they all jerk their heads and run away to find it. I don't have a clue what this guy has in his mouth but it is not unusual to see them carrying off apples from the tree or off of the ground.

We have a lot o skies that look like this when it is fall.  There is a lot of moisture up there and the winds seem to keep things stirred up to make various shapes in the clouds.

I have to remember to look up to see these views.  Not a bird in the sky at this time of the day, late afternoon.

I couldn't find a vase big enough for my broken off sunflower so this is working for now.  We had strong winds that day and the plant just snapped at the base.  The other sunflowers are starting to lean now as the seedheads are filling in with seeds.  The face of the sunflower can't follow the sun with that much weight on the flower.

The hardy geraniums in the flower box on the shelf have their own kind of climate.  It is a more protected area and the rains don't hit the blooms as hard.  The blue gate reminds me of some work I have to do to the gate.  The bottom half was not weather resistant wood when I made it and now it is falling apart.  I will have to remake the gate and time will tell if I can reuse that top arch part once I get to the job.

Here is everyone's zinnia fix for the day.  I have not posted so many of them lately but this one really does have a fall season color scheme.  I can shift the stems around a lot as they are all floppy this time of the year.  I have some buds yet to bloom and I am wondering if they will now with it being so cold.  Our high today will be 67 degrees F.  It is cold enough now at night that I will be bringing in the oxalis and mandevilla plants.  The mandevila sit close to the house last night but the label warned me that they don't like 40's for temperatures.

Well I guess I am coming to a close on my "show and tell" folly and I need to get to work.  Things are getting done slowly around here including getting the yard finished yesterday.  I have some of the same old projects looming over my head.  The crochet framing leaves the house today ready to be a wedding gift.  Senior photos are all now printed and I need to start the process of attaching them to the board.  A few things with information of school and the year are yet to be printed.  All in all I should keep myself busy.  I don't like the summer weather shutting down and I don't want any snow for quite some time.  We never have control of that but we do have some fall to go through first.  I hope everyone is well.   Thank you for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful skies! Our zinnias have been magnificent this year.
