Sunday, September 27, 2015

Sunday's Stuff......

The special effects of the sun helps to give the scene a magical look.  Looking towards the alley in the afternoon you can see the old model t garage in the background.

They have a peach color but they are tomatoes.  I had to  throw one away already as it rotted instead of ripening. I hope these do ripen as I am down to very few left to eat. A rotting tomato has a horrible smell.

The fish in the pond have all grown larger.  I feed them every once in a while, not daily, as there are plenty of mosquitoes to eat on the surface of the pond.  I need to start the process of getting them out of the pond which means eventually draining the pond.  Before I do that I need to get the aquariums ready first.

I thought they were buds and then I felt of them.  They are seeds.  I need to watch them and try to harvest some of them.  All of the blooms are scarce now and I never can predict when they will show.  I am thinking that our night last night is so warm that maybe I will see more blue ones blooming this morning.

A smaller patch of sedum seems to be slow to bloom.  I find this is the only section of it that is n ow blooming.  It is in a protected area and maybe it just is too shaded to ever bloom more than this.

 The section of broken off sedum that I found on the sidewalk near school seems to be staying alive in the mug of water.  I am thinking I need to get it in some dirt to really get some roots to develop.  I am thinking this is the dark red variety and I hope a newer variety that doesn't collapse in the fall.

Off to do our Sunday school duty this morning only and not doing church.  The fall cold is so much like the early summer cold and we both are under the weather.  I have to be up and running tomorrow to go back to work.  I hope everyone stays away from these freely given viruses.   Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. Hope you get over that virus soon! Pinching sedum in early summer will help with the plant falling over, the deer do it for me here:)
