Saturday, September 26, 2015

That Fall Feeling.......

The days are cooler and the air is dry compared to all out past summer humidity.  Some plants are just going to go ahead and fold not trying to last out the season. I have a spare phlox that has about seven blooms on it that still puts out some color but all the rest is gone. Leaves are falling a few at a time but the  trees are letting go of them.

The zinnia's have some dead blooms and others are clearly shutting down now.  Insects are doing their damage along the fringe of this flower.  Remarkably I do have about five small zinnias that are just now starting to bloom.

I picked up a fall cold from one or more of the sick students at school.  It is the kind that slows you down and you get all stuffy in the nose.  I also hate the sore throat that comes with it.  My activities for the day will be eating and sleeping and sipping liquid.  We both have had symptoms most of the week but mine hit full force last evening.  I am hoping it is a short lived virus. 

It is nice to have a couple of days off and maybe I can feel well on Sunday.  Thanks for stopping by today.