Sunday, September 13, 2015

Sunny All Day........

The sun is warm but the air is cold.  We will be in the 70's F. today and that will be welcomed after the last couple of days of cold.

The bright sun causes my camera to see different colors than what really is out there.

The rains took its toll on flowers but the sun is bringing out new blooms.

With the cool nights the morning glories don't bother to shrivel up until it warms up.  I was up with Button and 2 in the morning and the red ones were still open. Our skies are clear today and we will have a beautiful fall day.  It is suppose to be windy this afternoon as the low's pushes the high's out of the state.  As usual we just take what we get. 

I wish everyone a great day today and thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Pretty flowers! It's coolish here, and I love it. Have a wonderful Sunday!

  2. I have blogged brain. I just came onto the site to make one for today. I really don't remember making the Sunday blog on Saturday. I guess I will just read other people's blogs.

  3. Love that sunflower photo! Warmer here today so it is coming your way. I liked the cooler weather:)
