Monday, September 14, 2015

Monday Mania........

I walked out to the shed last evening to feed the feral cat and I usually come back with tomatoes.  If I had a sack and the energy I would have picked up apples too.  It didn't seem in my blood to pick through apples and will do it this afternoon.

The zinnias are struggling to get out their last blooms.  It is always amazing to see how the petals project out and then unroll themselves. The colder temps are slowing them down but the hot afternoon sun helps them.

While outside at the garden shed I caught a morning glory in decline.  It had warmed up in the afternoon so the blooms didn't stick around for very long.

My wife did a portrait of our grandson, AJ, when he was one year old.  The photo doesn't do justice to the work but I took a photo of the frame I made for it.  It is recycle framing material from one of the old school composites.  The frame could be older than me.

Another project in progress is this years senior's composite.  We have all the photos printed and cut apart now so we will attaching them.  I am in the Spanish high school classroom this morning so I won't be getting any work done on it today.

These were cheap and I will plant them for next year.  The flowers themselves are pretty much spent but it is nice color.  I bought a couple of yellow ones to go next to the lavender one.

It is Monday and starting my first job back at school does seem a little strange.  The kids grow so fast over the summer and the changes in their height. Their faces seem to fill out too.  Hairstyles seem to go into a different direction during the summer for boys and they shave it all off. 

I hope all are well today and thank you for stopping by today. 


  1. A nice post L.D. You've got some lovely blooms still and those tomatoes I can almost taste.

    Have a great week ~ FlowerLady

  2. Wonderful portrait of AJ! Della will have to do one every year! What a wonderful gift she has! Your tomatoes look great...and Mums the word they will freeze out but they are very pretty in the stores:)

  3. Della did a fantastic job; I remember when she painted AJ. I do love the frame you created. Those tomatoes make me hungry.
    As you probably note, I am no longer blogging. You two feel free to email or message me on fb at any time. Our health has been poor and there is just not much to blog about.
