Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Toodle Through Tuesday..........

These smaller mums are all being marked down as winter approaches.  I need to plant the three that I bought into the ground soon.  I want them to get established as they do winter over and bloom next year.  I have a couple of neighbors who had great looking beds of mums and both of them just got tired of them.  They have pulled them up in the past springs to have nothing to grow back or show for this fall. 

I have things to get done today and I hope I can complete some of those jobs.  I like to work on things but I don't like them not being finished.
If I complete anything today and I will take a photo and share it. 

It is only Tuesday so I can be glad there are days in the week to help me get things accomplished.  Our weather really has been good the past two days now and I hope for another good one today.  We had electricity off one more time early this morning.  That is the third time now but they did do a robo call to some of us to say it was coming.  They fixed things the last time they were working on it but apparently they needed to return and do it right. 

Thank you for stopping by today.


  1. Very pretty photos today. We have enjoyed 3 days of blue skies, low humidity and moderate temps. We have a small grouping of purple mums near our front porch this fall.

  2. That last shot of the red Zinnia is beautiful! You can take cuttings from Mums and stick them in a glass of water:)

  3. Just a few weeks ago, we picked up some lavender mums at Walmart and planted them near the front door for a touch of Autumn decor. I hope yours do well. Our grass has just about quit growing for the year. We will need to place mulch around some of our plants for the winter. We use pine straw here in the south.
