Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Tuesday with no Tricks...........

It is definitely fall out there with the cold winds and the corn does look ready to be picked.  I was too ill to really go out and take a shot but I went out for one.  I got more than that but my neighbor saw me and walked over to me.  I had a long chat with him and was so glad when we decided to end the talk.  I got back into my sickie chair and stayed there the rest of the evening. I could watch the moon rise as I sat in my chair and it seemed like it moved quickly because of its size.

The power lines seem to cut right through the moon.  With the new shed, tall standing corn and the power lines there wasn't a chance to get a clear shot. I have a lot of blogger friends and facebook friends that have taken some wonder shots.

I spoke of a model T garage sitting on my neighbors lot.  This is the back side of it.  The house of the place is for sale and some people were at the house so I couldn't get a front view of it.  Lots of times they would put two strips of concrete on the inside of the garage to keep the car up off of the ground.  I think the driveway up to this one has the same thing.  Two parallel strips of sidewalk to drive your old Ford onto in any weather. One of the previous owners shingles the roof but didn't bother to trim off the shingles that stuck out.  That has been many years ago and they still dangle there today.

The doors on this kind of garage are distinctive for the years they were made.  The doors were like bifold and could be pushed back on both sides. My dad had one on his property many years ago and when he tore it down he found it was made with walnut two by fours.

I had a good day at school yesterday teaching wise but a very bad day with the temperatures of the room.  The air conditioning is set too low and I dressed for cold but this was too cold.  When I had a break I would go down to an older teacher's lounge off the library and just sit there.  I could feel heat being absorbed by my body.  I did that a couple of times during the day and also over lunch. 

When I got home I was so miserable with the cold that I had that I went outside and took photos to warm up.  Then I was done for the rest of the day.

While outside, two monarch were waiting for me on the zinnia blooms.  They were certainly bulking up on nectar.  There were a lot of bees there too.

I am home today and I didn't get any offers for work today.  I was going to refuse them if I had.  We are having a very cold ,windys, damp day today. I think the furnace did turn on for a very shot while.

I thank you for stopping by today.  I wish everyone to be well.

1 comment:

  1. Hope you stay home until you feel better! I remember seeing lots of sheds with two tracks leading up to the door...and the shingle overhang was the poor mans trim:)
