Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Middle of the Week..........

My weather rocks got another cleaning last Monday night as it rained all the night.  It was a light rain but it never stopped.  I know these things because our older dog needs to go outside during the night.  It was a quiet rain at midnight as I let him out I didn't expect it to be doing anything.  At 5:00 in the morning the same kind of rain was happening with scattered drops falling continually.  Button doesn't stay out very long when it is raining and he does put out this look of disgust when he comes back into the house. It was passed over by 7:30 in the morning but a very cold wind continued. Today will be a dry day but the temperatures are still going to be low.

The berries on the burning bush are going to make the cardinals and bluejays happy this winter.  They must be bitter at first as they are not eating them this time of the season. I take so many shots of the burning bush that I sometimes repeat post them.  I guess I should put an x on them or something so I won't keep posting them again.  The red against green keeps attracting me to the shrubs for more shots.

My wooden decoration next to the fish pond still retains some of its barn board paint.  It has weathered slowly and always has a great look. On Tuesday is was so cold that the goldfish did not come to the surface when I fed them.  They go into a dormant state when it is cold to save energy. If the pond was deep enough they would go to the bottom and stay still all winter.   I will drain their water with a pump and they will come inside instead.  I won't do that until we have a warm fall day.

The patio container with a tomato plant is going to give me three last good tomatoes. It was the second blooming that gave me these as the first set never really gave me anything.  The two that were at first on it rotted.  I see by the photo that there are at least four tomatoes on the vine.  We had been have dry days and dry air so I had to water them every day for a week or so.  Now the gentle rains takes care of them.

I am in the high school science room this morning.  I haven't been here since school started but I spent a lot of time last school year. It is only a half day assignment so that will work out good for me.  I spent the entire day of Tuesday doing nothing and resting.  I really set myself back teaching all day Monday.  I am so much better now and will probably be cheering when it gets to be noon and I can go home. 

I thank you all for stopping by today.  Take care..........


  1. So glad we still have tomatoes and zinnias - for a few more days, at least, before the snow begins to fly.

  2. I didn't mention that the zinnia does look watermelon. I don't know if the aging process cause that but it is truly watermelon.

  3. Yummy looking tomatoes! Glad you are feeling a bit better! :)

  4. Everything in my garden needs cleaned. I hope it rains soon. Haven´t visited for a bit. Nice to see your photos again.
