Sunday, October 4, 2015

A Day of Rest........

The hardy geraniums are blooming but not with the gusto as they did when it was warm.  This plant will get to winter inside the house over the winter.  I like its color of blooms and the foliage is so unusual. I remember buying it as a small plant because of the foliage.

Bishop's weed has done well this year.  No dry seasons for it to go into decline.  It stayed healthy all summer. I have this planted in a different area now and you can see it likes where I planted it.  The greens of these leaves are so natural looking.

I remember this plant as a kid when an older lady tried to give me some plants to grow on the farm.  I actually got my start years ago for the home here from the hillside of a motel in Grand Marais, Minnesota overlooking Lake Superior. It was growing among a lot of flowering lupines.  I knew lupines would never grow in central Iowa

We are having sunshine each day as you can see in this photo.  It is cold though and the sun doesn't really warm us up very much.  Furnace is set on a low setting and it still runs a lot of the day each day.

It is Sunday and I hope to get a lot of rest today.  I am still under the weather partially but not so much that people would notice.  I feel so much better now and hope to get rid of this virus very soon.  I don't think that I can drink any more hot tea for quite a while.

I hope all of my friends out there are not being flooded.  It is a strange weather thing going on out east.  I hope all are safe.Thank you for stopping in today.


  1. I think you needed the day of rest! I hope you have a good week:)

  2. The geranium is a beauty! I am not familiar with Bishop's weed but it is very nice. We watch a show on HGTV about folks looking at 3 houses to make a choice of buying one. Last night, they were in Bar Harbor ME and I enjoyed seeing the sites around town. So pretty. (I belive that is where one of your sons lives ??)
