Saturday, October 3, 2015

Saturday's Stuff.......

A weathered blue still showing off with all its neat colors.  The morning glory days are numbered and all that will be left is seed to collect from the pods.

I was so surprised to see one new color on the back porch trellis.  I see it has the potential to bloom a lot more but the weather will determine that. Our wind and cold isn't allowing the bloom to go into a full trumpet shape. 

It is certain to know that the tree is dead when all these things start to grow on the side of the tree.  I have two of these kind of trees and both now are completely dead.  I can probably remove the smaller one myself but the bigger one will get to winter over and maybe a few limb will break off on their own  It was one of those cheap fast growing trees and the second one is a sucker of the big tree.

An older zinnia has changed to a strong goldish color.  It isn't its normal color but it is its aging with great textures that makes it have a unique color.

As we returned from the bookstore this morning we noticed that the farmers are harvesting soybeans.  They seem to be in a big hurry as time is money.  I saw one field had two big trucks and two large green combines busy bringing in the crop.   Beans do usually come in first but i am surprised that some of this corn isn't being picked.  I suppose they get all the one kind harvested and then the will change the combine over to pick corn. 

It is a little warmer this afternoon and the sun is shinning.  I hope all are feeling healthy and that the day is a good one.   Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. The pure white is lovely! I hope it keeps blooming for awhile:)

  2. The blue morning glory looks like an O'Keefe painting. You've really outdone yourself this time, Gorgeous!

  3. Hope you are feeling better by now. I know you both enjoy trips to the bookstore. I sure enjoyed your flower photos.
