Friday, October 9, 2015

Facing Friday........

It seems the angel is putting her best face forward as we move into the last day of the week.  The noise of the phone company workers keep here company as they lay plastic hose for fiber optic cables.  She had company yesterday as the old phone line had to be found by an employee.  They are not going near it but everything has to be clearly  marked.  Orange lines sprayed around her all around as the guy had fun with his electric finder wand.

The photo reminds me of what I am drinking this morning.  I am subbing for a woman who has coffee shop duty first thing in the morning at school.  I had a student make a vanilla hot chocolate by mistake and the kids said I get the mistakes.  It is one drink full of tons of sugar with a strong marshmallow flavor to boot.  It is too sweet for me and I just won't finish it.

The Asiatic lily has been gone for months but the stem and leaves have hung around since.  They will still be out there through the winter until there is a hard freeze.  Hand clipping it would solve the problem.

As I cleared the way for the fiber optics people yesterday morning I pulled the last of my tomato patch.  It is nice to have it gone now and I removed a bunch of peony bush stems so the guys digging won't think they have to go around them.

As the season shuts down things start to look tacky. My newly transplanted hosta, the yellow green one, has held it own.  It should come back larger and strong this next spring. It is nice to have the three different hostas in one place and the newest one is the best looking of them all. I didn't move hosta plants  this summer but all that I moved last year will just be a lot bigger next spring.

My iris are "touch and go" this year health wise as the rainy season can make the rhizomes.  I see that I did have some damage but I will just have to wait and see what survives. 

The redtwig dogwood survived all the construction people and it will start showing some great leaf color.  Once in a while a sidewalk worker had to lean way in on it to support himself while he troweled the concrete.   That corner is going to get grass seed put on it from my seed sack as I am tired of waiting on the cities company to come do it.  I watched yesterday as a man and a machine was trying to put dirt back onto the side of a ditch next to a sidewalk.  It was my neighbor's ditch and yes it will probably wash away in the rain. 

Each good day we have we will have to appreciate.  We are going to warm to 70's for a few more days and that is good.  I need to mow the yard at least on more time.  Leaves are not falling yet so I guess I will be mowing up leaves in a few weeks.

I never see them bloom when I am work but I get to enjoy seeing the bud.  It looks like a red one and it will be gone as soon as it opens.  In less than a couple of hours they decline and die.  I noticed this morning that I need to get on to the seed collection before it is too late. This is the first year that I ever noticed how great the leaves look as fall weather shuts the vines down.

It is Friday and I will be glad to be done with the day.  My work day includes me helping run a coffee shop and visit about 5 different classrooms.  We will go get some bargains at the grocery store after work and pick up a sandwich somewhere.  Home for tv tonight and resting up over the weekend.  No big plans yet for the weekend and we are playing things pretty low key anymore.

Our grandson called us right away last evening to thank us for the gift.  He said he thinks this is now his most favorite toy, except for Thomas the train.  He likes all the different buttons to push making all sorts of things to happen.  I do remember as a kid that my tractor, which had been one of my older brother's tractor had all kinds of sounds and motions that it could do.  Those sounds and actions came solely from me though back then, 60 years ago.  Wow, where did time go?  I appreciate you stopping by today and do have a great day. 


  1. I love the way the yellow-green hostas's color stands out in a garden.

  2. Putting the plants to bed for winter. Glad your grandson like his toy. Have a good weekend.

  3. I knew AJ would be thrilled with the gift! Have a good weekend! I mowed/mulched for the third time least I am keeping up:)
