Saturday, October 10, 2015

It's Saturday,,,,,Be Creative.

The hosta on the corner next to the other blue gate has grown up to be a good accent plant.  The post with the ball decoration is suppose to help brace the gate post.  It sort of is working but it looks better than it actually braces.

The orange plastic hose is the pipe used to thread in the fiber optic wires. It has been installed but the wires have not been installed yet. A special machine pushed a pipe underground towards our house with the orange pipe inside.  Once they got to the house they grab a good hold of the orange pipe and withdrew their metal pipe leaving the hose behind. They did the whole process on Friday morning.

The areas where the workman were to install the phone line, I needed to clear things out. They could make their path to the house by me clearing things and mowing things down for them.  I trimmed back a few zinnias as they were already laying on the ground.  So we have a bouquet for fall with live flowers and a few that look pretty dead.

Out by the zinnia patch and apple tree the red morning glories are blooming again.  They actually bloomed late afternoon so I was able to get some photos. The photo shows it in partial decline but it still has a great look.

Early fall and the vines on the morning glories start to fail.  I do remember that the leaves can be completely gone but blooms will still be opening as long as the vine isn't severed.

It is suppose to warm up today but it seems a little cool outside right now.  I have solar heat coming in the kitchen to warm the house some today.  The weather people tell us that probably the air will have to be turned on tomorrow.

Have a good Saturday and thanks for stopping by today.

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