Friday, October 23, 2015

Friday's Finally Here.......

 My weather rocks were not wet when I took this shot but today they are soaking wet.  It just keeps up a slow drizzle and does not stop. For Iowa that is a good thing.  When I transplanted things I did discover how very dry our soil was and it still is.  It will take a lot of moisture to bring it back to  normal.

It was a "duh" moment when I looked down and found these blooms.  They should look good because I just put them in the ground from a planter about two weeks ago.  The rains will help them to settle in.  My brain just thought at first, look volunteer dianthus.  Did I say "duh" already?

With all the winds and rain I never thought I would see another full bloom but last evening there it was.  Another heavenly blue glory just for us to share.

My National Geographic photo for today is a photo of motion.  The fish do seem to never stop so I click and go. Maybe I need to take a movie some day soon.

 I am an associate today so I follow students to classes all day.

It has been a long week for me so a few cups of coffee and resting seems appropriate.  I do think we have to take a neighbor to go shopping on Saturday morning but there are no other plans.  That type of activity for her requires a big chunk of a day to get what she wants done.  The wet and cold weather slows things down with work outside so I am hoping for a dry warm week for next week. I hope all are well and thank you for stopping by today.


  1. We are about to get cooler and rain from that storm Patricia.
    It is the biggest hurricane in history 200 mile hour winds, about to hit Mexico. I hate to see the news in the morning about what it has done.

  2. It started raining here last night. One last bloom from your beautiful heavenly Blue Morning Glory!! :)

  3. I've had duh moments in the garden too. I once saw a little garden sign that said, "I don't remember planting this." I could use a few of those here and there. Have a good weekend!
