Thursday, October 22, 2015

Thursday's Things........

Falling leaves everywhere but we still are not at the peak of them falling to the ground.  I assume the frost that we finally do get will bring the most of them down. Our small quick downpour seemed to help loosen some of them.

The downpour really did shred the morning glories.  I don't know if the cold helped with that but it did rain very hard. I have never seen anything like it before yesterday.

Adding to the theme of primary colors the yellow is showing here.  I like the different colors that the hosta have at this time of the year.  A lot of them were sagging and I think a slight rainfall has perked them up a little.

The iris seem to be pretty healthy yet in most parts of my garden. You can see a few iris blades in the background. A lot of my new plantings of iris are rooting in nicely and I hope winter over well.  They usually are really tough.

I have yet to mow anything as the yard keeps growing.  I need to start doing some things like that when I get home from school.  The dry weather has slowed it down.  All of the blown grass seed, green soft material, in the ditches are all covered with fallen leaves.  That probably is a good thing as it helps to keep any moisture down under them for the seed to sprout.  I will photograph any evidence of growth by the grass mixture when it happens.

I call this my National Geographic Photo.  Most things are in a blur with only one new white fish being in focus.  The fish are moving and the lighting still isn't quite correct.  I picked up five feeder goldfish last night while buying dog food for Barney.  I buy them because they are cheap.  I like to grow them myself and what joy can you have for under just a dollar. It actually was 85 cents in total.  The true purpose for feeder fish is to use them to feed a large fish some food.  The lady who sold netted the fish says her mom also buys them as small fry and then raises them for years.

I did meet my goal to now have three sizes of goldfish in there.  The five little ones add a lot of activity to the mix.  I guess that will be my last purchase as I don't want to overstock the tank.  I have 5 little ones, 5 mediums and two larger older fish.   The older ones are not so big that they will eat my youngsters.

The one branch is just a different color.  I was out shooting last night and noticed it was not the light from the sun but a branch of a different color.  I am wondering if the branch got damaged by wind.

I am at the middle school office again today.  I an on my third and last day.  I do  have work tomorrow but it will be in a different position in the special education room.  I may get some coffee shop time in on that person's assignment.  I hope so.  I understand that we will be cooling off on Friday but right now we are keeping good temperatures. I really hope we can keep up with the warmer weather for a lot longer.

Thank you for stopping by today and remember Friday is coming soon.

1 comment:

  1. you got some rain good for you! Thank you for your kind words about Jen and the Alpha 1 Deficiency, I appreciate them. We only ever want the best for our children...and it is sad when that doesn't happen.

    We had wind yesterday and I think most our leaves are down...more work but not overwhelming:)
