Sunday, October 25, 2015

Sunday Snooze........

The birch dropped it leaves slowly for the past week but now over night it dropped most of the rest of them.  It usually takes a rain for it to happen. I wasn't home when we had our downpour so it could of cleared them then.

 One lone bloom on the spent phlox shines out among the dead and dying leaves.  There is always one more bloom that is trying to stretch out one more spot of color. I have one sedum that didn't bloom this year except for one stray small branch off to the side of it.

There is a lot of overlaps of kinds of trees in this photo.  The balsam pine in in the foreground.  The birch and red maple are on the second plane. The background is my silver apple and the neighbors one maple tree.

My William Baffin rose is taking its final bow at the curtain call.  On large stem of it decided to put out a head full of buds.  I know the sun has changed the color of this rose a bit making it a lot lighter in color but I took this particular photo of all the buds that are on the stem. 

I hope all have had a good Sunday.  Thank you for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. You and your wife have a lovely yard with so many fun things to see. The trees are gorgeous and that rose is so sweet.
