Monday, October 26, 2015

My Monday's Mentions........

I collect scraps of wood from bushes and trees for almost a whole year.  I have a couple of piles where it just collects.  I would love to live in the town that picks this stuff up once a week on Mondays for the entire summer.  If I barrow a truck from someone who has an old truck I can take the material out to the towns site where they burn it all up.   In October we are allowed to burn late afternoons or evenings. Yesterday afternoon I was out shooting photos.

I was outside to take photos. It was calm with no wind and the ground was muddy from the previous rain.  I lit a match and the rest is history.  I had some major piles that I kept feeding onto my fire ring until everything was gone.  I still need to rake up some of the small twigs that I didn't mess with last evening.  It is nice that it is now all gone.  I have sticks in the yard that I can now pick up and start the new pile.

The red maple tree has variegated leaves.  I couldn't figure out why I couldn't get a clear photo of it.  I think the two colors mess with the camera sensor.  I also think the two colors mess with our own brains trying to understand what we are seeing.  I am assuming that the ditch people who dug into the roots of this tree have damaged the natural flow of sap. I have never seen anything like this before now.  I hope it is still alive by spring.

No work today at school so I can work outside again today.  I found an eave on the old part of my house that needs some repair.  I like to take the easy way out on this but I guess I will tear back the rotted wood and see what has to be done.  It is a little cold this morning but I will go out and trim back the bush that is keeping me from getting close to it.  It will be ladder work as it is higher in distance than what my stepladder can reach. 

I hope all are well and that it is a good Monday morning for everyone.  Thanks......for stopping by.


  1. Small world. I do pretty much the same brush pile thing in the fall...:)

  2. We have a fire pit but take most of our stuff down to my brothers big pile, he will burn it in January...but then we have a trailer that goes behind the three wheeler and it makes things easier for us. Maybe you need one of those Gators or Polaris Vehicles that zooms around:)

  3. We are fortunate to have a ditch at the very back of our property that we carry all our yard debris to. The deer, rabbits etc. love that area.
