Monday, October 19, 2015

The Beginning.......

Green leaves look good too even though the silver maple tree usually has more of a yellow leaf in the fall.  I looked down and saw it laying there among the hosta leaves.

The fake green spray that is filled with grass seed and fertilizer is all down and now is getting covered up with leaves.  They used the battery power leaf blowers to clear out all of the leaves before they sprayed it with the miracle grass.  The one guy used a tiller earlier last week to even out all of the banks in the ditches and he sort of sculpted it into good shape.  They will be luck if it doesn't rain for a week or so.  They removed all the topsoil that had built up from the previous rains washing dirt down to this area.  It will build up again.

 It is a nice view with many colors as the cold snap effected the morning glories. I did catch a few spare blue flowers on the vine on Saturday. 

 The red maple shows off best with a bright sun shining through it.  I like the line design that is made by the branches.  I will be interested to see if the tree will fill out in total red or if it will remain patchy like this.

The older leaves that fall tot he ground are starting to  look more red than brown.  It is going to be sad when they have all fallen to the ground.

I did get the sunken ship and some plastic greens planted in the aquarium on Saturday.  I bought one more bag of rock to cover both ends of the aquarium.  It was bare glass there as I just didn't have enough rocks.  The whole aquarium is still in a development stage as I have a few more greens to put in with there being more rock.  It there isn't any loose gravel toput at the base of the plants, they just float to the top. Sometime a larger fish will mess with the rocks and one can find plants floating at the top.  I use to have koi who were great at rearrange the rock floor on a regular basis. 

I mowed the boys' backyard on Saturday and the green chair got moved to the patio.  My hardy geraniums look like it is spring.  I couldn't have sat there earlier as it was too cold but today it has warmed up to a nice temperature.  It was strange to wake to 68 degrees F.  outside.

I am in the special education room today and it is cold in the room.  The air conditioner doesn't know that it is cold in here or the thermostat doesn't work correctly.  I missed working for three days last week but I am already now booked everyday to work this week.  I will be doing a lot of different jobs for sure.

I hope all are well out there and thanks for stopping in today at my posting.   


  1. Nice fish photo. Love those maple leaves. Good to have some warmer days to enjoy all the colors outside right now.

  2. Everything looking good there, Larry. I, too, hope the grass seed catches before it's washed away in rain. Liking that light through the maple. Lovely.
